Time and self-management is key in today's fast paced life

in #life7 years ago

I am currently involved in multiple projects and also part of multiple companies, and above all I still want to write Steemit articles.

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I really enjoy writing articles on Steemit and I just can't find the time for it between my busy schedule. I therefor decided to take a closer look at time and self-management and want to share my approach with the community. I have written about this sometime last year, but I obviously did not listen to my own advice and learnings, otherwise I would not have the same problem today.

Time management

I think that everybody always need more time in their days. There are just so many things that needs to be done, from a personal and professional perspective. After a bit of research, I am personally going to implement the following and they are listed in no specific order as I believe it is a combination of the below which will assist in managing you time:

  • Set some goals for the day
    First things I will do is set some serious goals for a specific day. Understand what needs to be done and work towards those goals.

  • Prioritise
    Sure everything seems to be of the same importance, but, there is always a logical sequence of things to be done. Some of the things you want to do in a specific day is of equal importance, but those things should then be done first, as there is nothing that can bother me as much as when I know I need to do something later. Rather finish it first and free up some mind space. Do not start your prioritisation process for the day too late. They say that prioritisation is misunderstood a lot of times. So read up a bit about that …

  • Planning
    In my opinion planning is a very key aspect of Time Management. If you know exactly what you need to accomplish in a specific day, it will be much easier to allocate certain time slots to specific things.

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  • Focus
    Not all people enjoy working in the same way. Focus however is key in time management. Always remember that you will have multiple tasks competing for your attention. Focus is key to complete the specific task at hand. You will get much more done when completing one task at a time than trying to do many things at the same time.

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  • Decision Making
    I believe that decision making walks hand in hand with prioritisation. There are a few things to make decisions on during your planning:

    • What tasks needs to be completed?
    • When is a task completed?
    • What tasks never gets completed?
    • Who can I help?
    • Who can I ask for assistance?
    • Who can I delegate what to?
  • Record Keeping
    Ensure that you have a way of managing your tasks. I usually use the Task Manager in Outlook as I always have my email open. This assists to see that you are making progress and you also have a view of what still needs to be done. It is key to have some or other tool to manage your tasks as you will forget about specific things if you don't

Lets start here. I would love to hear comments and suggestions on what we can add to the list. Also if somebody can tell me what works for them… I love to learn.

Happy Steeming!


This is a fast pace moving world now where everything is done in an instant. As for us to cope up, indeed time and self-management is the key. Thanks for this great post.

It seems easy, but it 's hard to put into practice.

I can second that :)

I agree with you. Focus is key because then you can do something properly and you don't waste time fixing it later. Robert Hollis has some good material, lots of it free, on this topic.

Hello @jacor,

The last class I just finished in school was Project Management, I'm always trying to get the most out of my day, and recently I also find myself making time for Steemit on top of my other projects I'm working on.

One thing that stood out for me was Proactive Risk Management, which is to work on comtingency planning, and taking actions before issues arise. I'm using this to rearrange my priorities, so that if I do lose some time in one area it doesn't have as much of a negative impact.

Another thing I like doing is alternating between projects, it helps to prevent frustration, and although everything needs to get done, I can revist issues with a fresh mindset.

Superb and wonderful post well done dear @jacor I liked it very much. No doubt time management and planning are the best keys to complete all works within time. so it is very important to do planning and manage our time to be a successful person in life

Excellent information for all, thanks for this article, write more articals like this topics, we need this kind of information

Very interesting post .time is money

Excellent. You said almost exactly, everything I already do. I'm not always in front of my PC or phone, so I use a pocket diary. I list out all my tasks for the day in it, and I tick each one I have completed as the day goes by. Nice article. 😁 I just upvoted this post. Please follow me back and resteem my posts.

great post..!!!!

Excellent vision of a leader =)
I would say : Whatever you are doing, tell yourself that you are doing your best =)

I would state : Whatever you are doing, reveal to yourself that you are putting forth a valiant effort i am abdullatifphadia

wonderful post

One who bother Time will really get bothered..

Great advice!

thanks for the advise @mokh-tar

Follow me

Easy said than to be done...when there are children around! Children are always hard to be predicted. So, no time management helps then ;)

That's an interesting article very valuable :)

very interesting topic, wait for oher new posts

i agree with you
In life, you can either be the hammer or the nail. You can apply force and energy where you want it to go, or you can react to the force and energy of others. The more you react instead of act, the harder it is to set your own direction. And the more likely it is that you'll wake up one day and wonder where you "went wrong."

The first step to achieving goals “on purpose” is to define success and to achieve success in whichever field you are
you have to be focused targeting your goal
and thats what decide in the end.

upvoted and followed you..kindly do this same for me so that we can share our post and thinking

Thanks for this great post, it reminds me to go more planned to my daily tasks.
I always write myself a list of all the tasks to be done. Important things are marked. What I have taken away is crossed out (it feels great to cross out something!! ;) )

But I'm going to work on my time management from now on, thanks to you.