This is the second time I am featuring @babybear. Please note I do not edit the author's post in anyway to ensure authenticity of the writer's post. If you enjoy her writing please follow her on her blog @babybear
Five 5's of my college life
Five AM
Though I slept late, I woke up early. I neede to arrive early at school. Haste was not an issue, but I guess, I was just excited to explore what the day had in store for me. New shoes. New uniform. New school. It was my first day of college. Aside from the excitement, a part of being early coincides with the length of my travel time from our home to school.
It takes almost an hour and a half to arrive at school. As usual, I was stuck in the early traffic, but this time, a heavy one. Not again! What a nice day to start my college life!
Fifth floor.
Two hours later, I arrived at school. The feeling of getting late in the first day of class makes me anxious. I went directly to my classroom in the fifth floor. I was in the midst of nervousness when I found out that there was no class; same as the following subjects. Somehow, I was relieve, but I noticed a number was hunting me or maybe, I was just paranoid. What a feeling to torment me in my first day of class!
Five friends.
The whole first week was full of observing the run of the school. The library, the rooms, the stairs, and the facilities were very new to me. Within the week, I met five friends with different stories, but share the same goal- to finish college and have a decent work in the future. This marked the start of my journey as a tertiary level student called the college life. I heard so much of it: sleepless nights, terror teachers, and the like. Well, I still have five years to expound those. Yes, you're right, I'm an Engineering student.
In the fifth day of my first week, I realized that I was one of the students who fell into the hands of the most feared instructor of the Engineering students. I heard a lot of rumors that he fails most of his students. Seriously? What a good news to end my week!
Fifth applicant.
Two weeks later, I applied as one of the staffs in school's Publication. During the entrance interview, I was the fifth called. At some point, I was doubtful having no experience in a publication at all.
But wait, tracing the history of misfortunes with the number five, I guess, I already know my fate in this interview. Or I was just being attached with beliefs of multiple misfortunes by a mere number. Really? A number dictates my fate? Now way!
One of the reason why I applied as one of the writers is to learn things beyond my limit, aside from I love writing, and expand my capability of dealing with problems. As what they said, experience is the best teacher.
Luckily, I was chosen to be one of the probationary staffs. Yes! I won against five.
Five months later
Judgement day has come- the probationary day. Tension was dominating everyone during the program for mentors. All I know was I'm on the fifth month on the fifth day of the week with five hours of sleep and with 555 tuna sardines as lunch. What a good way to spoil my fate in the publication.
Emotions chorused as we read the envelopes containing our fortune in this publication. Guess what? I was dumbfounded of what happened. Is this for real? I checked the name and yes, It was mine in full length.
Number five
All of a sudden, I realized that five was just a number. Nothing more. Nothing less. It was just so small to contain my luck, my fate, and my life.
You are the master of your own fate. The future is the consequence of what you've done in the past and the present. If you want something, work for it. If you think it's impossible, then make it possible. You'll never know unless you try. You'll never see the positive side of life if you always focus on the negative.
Please follow me on my blog @jacor if you enjoy my topics and content.
features authors to promote a diversity of content and new authors. All STEEM Dollars for this post go to the featured author.@jacor
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Nice read! Reminded me of my college days and my 5s. Hehe
and what are those @sauravrungta ? :) Thanks for the appreciation by the way. :)
five a.m. , fifth floor and five friends match for me too :D... what are the odds?
5 к $ ))) wants this article
This reminds me of Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat, one time best seller and one of my favorite novel. I found a free version on net, if anyone is interested -
It might be surprising to some, but five friends might be all you need to make it through college. You don't need everyone to know you're name just to fit it. College is nothing like high school, you can truly be independent from the peer pressure if you choose to do so.
Nice reading. Thanks.
hello @jacor, can you feature me sometimes?
👍nice article @jacor , enjoy with ur topics...
I have a few writers that i feature but i do have excess so if you need any find me on steemit chat
Join with my vote! Well done, very easy and pleasantly to read.
But, sometimes i think it's to not possible to take your fate only in your hands, so many people influence on it, sometimes you even don't know it...and never will know.
great work
I waiting a new post
We are all in the same boat. Are we all paddling in the same direction?
We are in the direction to success! :)
Wow! Thank you so much for featuring me again sir @jacor . Deep regards to your kindness. :)
Actually, there are a lot of happenings during my college life. But, I consider this one as my most treasured experiences.
It's a great pleasure @babybear!
Heading to college in a few weeks! Thanks for posting.
Will you be still interested if I make it a 5-year story? :)
Hey i also want to write a little bit more about my student life as an engineer. I think it is important to see how other people live through their student life and what it means to them :)
Give it a try. I will read it definitely. :)
Interesting read. Thanks for sharing
great work
I waiting a new post
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The old college life, what a drag that was, party & study all day. Makes me young again...
Excellent post @babybear. Our life will always be what we make. Keep on steeming!