Aren't there some decent punk rock and metal ballads about opposing this monarchist nonsense? Or perhaps something slightly more subversive than that?
Aren't there some decent punk rock and metal ballads about opposing this monarchist nonsense? Or perhaps something slightly more subversive than that?
Hmm, I can't say I have looked. A little Opeth did the trick.
More my mood of late:
I was going to say that second track sounds a little proggy, then released it was Rush.. a band I am a fan of already. The new stuff I haven't heard.., and they sound distinctly different from the old stuff such as Hemispheres, 2012 etc..
The first track sounds a little Irish, with some Banjo's.., maybe you would like Trains?
Train, singular? hell no! Trains, plural? Maybe I'll give that a chance tomorrow.
Celtic punk is one of those weird fusion genres I like. That song is a lot less punk than most of their stuff though.