Fashion, Beauty, and Insecurity

in #life7 years ago (edited)

While processing holds at the library the other day, I noticed one particular patron had requested several books with titles along the lines of "Beauty Secrets" and "Fabulous Makeup." This led me to ponder the women I have known and their insecurities about which I have been told.

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  • I am utterly convinced that women wear makeup to impress one another first, and impressing guys is a distant second consideration.
  • Whatever a woman might think the perfect bust and butt might be, she is certain that she doesn't have it.
  • Fashion design for women has no concern for utility. Instead, it's all about hugging her form or draping elegantly about it. Just look at pockets, for example. If you ladies are lucky enough to have any at all, they're probably uselessly small.

And if I am feeling particularly cynical (which I am at the moment) I would say this is all an unintentional self-perpetuating conspiracy to make women perpetually unhappy about themselves. That said, I can also understand the urge to conceal blemishes like acne, the desire to be in better shape, and even the conflict between fashion and function. A new year is upon us, so I would like to take a moment to say what I hope people will consider as they make their new year's resolutions:

  • If you do your part to eat healthy and make even a modest effort toward fitness, your body will be proportionate, and that is how it should be. You don't need a boob job.
  • A healthy diet should also help your complexion if there are really any issues, and you can use less makeup. You probably don't really need any in the first place, and it can't be good for your skin to smear goop all over it all the time.
  • Don't be a slave to fashion, and don't follow the trends. You know it will look silly in just a few years anyway.

So, any thoughts? Am I way off base? I certainly don't presume to speak on behalf of anyone but myself, so disagreement is welcome. Also, my new year's resolution will be 1280x1024, same as always. Good night, everyone!


You are a very brave man, tromping in where angels fear to tread.
The male half of the world would agree, the other half will tear you into little pieces.
Farewell Jocobtothe it was nice knowing you and reading your stuff.

It's not guys who invented the phrase "on fleek" to describe fashionably groomed (or painted... ugh...) eyebrows. The truth must be told, regardless of the consequences!

No, no wait....I need on fleek eyebrows...! Seriously.

I don't care much for makeup either way. I'm glad it exists to make women look better. I'm mostly here like the other mindless idiots to say "good informative post", "thanks for sharing". At least I read the post though, I doubt that they did.

I am female and I know how the female minds works, believe me. Not only do women wear make-up to impress each other, they also dress to impress each other. I love pockets, and I despise clothes that lack them, especially exercise pants. The older I get, the less I worry about fashion. Now and then somebody comes up with a new style that is truly comfortable, like leggings, and I will likely stick with that for the next 20 years. I've been told leggings must be worn with fashion boots or flats, but I'm rather fond of my Keens casual shoes, so expect to see those on my feet. Twenty-somethings will roll their eyes, but my feet want to be comfortable!

I agree with your post but sometimes Makeup is a necessary evil!

No evil is necessary.

I agree, but don't think women want to hear this from us guys... :O



I actually quit wearing makeup this time last year after watching a video on what happens to your skin when you quit. It has been amazing! One less thing to stress over. I've also switched to wearing jeans and plain tees.

@jacobtothe ... I laughed so much when I read the article but the one which i choose to tease my Girlfriend is "impressing guys is a distant second consideration. " .. she will gonna red hot on me if show this to her... #thanks again :D

Well...we do have yoga pants! Seriously I agree with you though, life is too short to be bound by insecurities. I feel if you are following fashion to please yourself that is fine, but to want to impress others is a burden.

Most people honestly don't care about your attire or appearance if you're not stinky and not wearing something completely at odds with the occasion. Those who do care are probably not people you want to bother trying to impress anyway, because they're the type of people who want to tear you down no matter what.

Pretty much!

Very informative post, Thanks for sharing


Your post is very informative like all the others in your blog. There is always something special to seek knowledge from your outstanding posts. Thank you steemian! you shared a fabulous post once again.

But what did you gain from it, or what dispute do you have with what I wrote?

EDIT: And why did you upvote your own comment, but not the post you praised so much? Flagged for spam.