Are humans solar powered? #12

in #life4 years ago

The sun has been out in strong force in the Uk recently and everything has improved.


My mood and headspace is in such a nice place and I think it’s partly due to the sun and Vitamin D.

Vitamin D certainly has a role to play in the bodies biological functions which I’m not qualified to speak on but the talk of the number of people being Vitamin D deficient in the Uk is stark.

People take Vitamin C tablets when they’re ill to help their immune system, why don’t we take vitamin D tablets?

People talk about the Australian lifestyle and people being happier when they move there. I think fundamentally, a decent chunk of it is due to the nice weather.

Normally, whenever you want to do something you have to check the weather and see what options are available. When you’re in a sunny patch, that’s not even a concern. It must be so liberating in Australia.

If every day was sunny, how many more things and activities would you get up to?

It’s not only about experiencing more highs, you also reduce the number of lows. No getting drenched when you’re out for a walk. No bitterly wet, cold and windy weeks will go by as you slowly trudge around doing your mundane daily tasks. Getting back home, having to warm up and dry off.

However, part of the appeal of sunny weather in the Uk is that you know that it’s not here to stay. It’s a treat.

When you’re a kid and you only get to have ice cream on weekends, you live in anticipation for it and really appreciate it when you get to have it.

As an adult, there’s nothing stopping you having ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner every single day and we choose not to.

Maybe the infrequency of something adds to its appeal from the mental side. There’s no questioning the biological side of it though.