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RE: Take It Out

in #life8 months ago (edited)


My Grandfather had a tiny pair of plyers that he used for just such things, if asked for the help of course.

He DID get 200 pounds under his pillow that night.... right?... oh wait...does the tooth go under the pillow and is replaced by riches while the child sleeps there? Not sure what traditions are common.

We wrapped our little teeth in the corner of a hankie and put it under the pillow. In the morning, there would be a quarter wrapped in it and the tooth had disappeared when we woke up. Of course, a quarter bought more a hundred years ago than it does now. LOL... we were pretty happy about it. There were five of us though, so setting precedence was very important !


Hell no, he ain't getting that!! He's getting a fiver and that's for both of them!! Although, weirdly he is thinking of keeping them and not giving them to too l the tooth fairy. Not as mercenary as his old man

Imagine having pliers for it, I feel giddy at the thought and not inn a good way! 😀

ha ha ...They were fairly small pliers, but more sure of a grip than fingers on a damp or bloody tooth. One sure tug instead of several tries I suppose was the idea.

Aaaaggh. I get it!!! The idea gives me the herbs.

Was he a torturer in a past life, unexplained holidays and well off? 😀😀

LOL.... no... well.... not that I know of, however, he was a long distance truck driver the majority of his working life, so one can never be quite sure, can one ????

There you go!! The classic cover!!

Imagine that, the notoriety. It will be in the blood you know 😉

It's always the most innocent looking folks that give the biggest surprises, right ? I just haven't figured out yet what horrendous thing I want to be known for after I croak. LOL

Always a good idea to leave things around that ensure you look like a secret government assassin to add some spice to what people will find and think about you!