We have our Team Chat boxes and in the mornings when the supervisor posts her morning greetings, several of the co-workers post with cartoon gifs and the such. Although it doesn't put a dent in my day, I think "how immature and inappropriate for work" ha ha.....
Oh well..... I'm glad things like that don't bother me or I'd be bothered all the time.
That does seem like quite a large sized snit he was in for such a little thing.
I would say that maybe he had some other schnizz going on in his life but its IT. They are all bonkers like that. You should see the fridge, its like mental in how they all claim their little bits. So his reaction does not surprise me! :OD
It's like being in the nut house without being in the nut house.
The WHOLE world's a nut house.... I just realized that. LOL
I think I have just realised it too. It is the thing that makes the most sense out of life!!