This didn't seem like your "normal" posts. (I hesitate to use the word normal when it comes to you but.....)
I didn't even think about it being April 1 and that the day might be full of high jinks !
Good thing I read some of the comments before clicking a nowhere link or making a post stating I was going to watch.
Haha, it was my feeble attempt at an April fools indeed but it seemed to have backfired a tad 😜
That means you were very successful at it I'm thinking. What is the point of telling a very tall tell if no one believes it at first ???
I'm just glad for the April Fools reminder before I got sucked in somewhere else for real.
It might have been too good! Like this morning when I told the little lady e had arranged a marriage for her. That didn't go down too well either!
LOL ! I bet NOT !
Although, after 2 marriages, I'm not sure an arranged one might not have gone just as good. LOL !!!
Marriage are funny things! It just be weird to have an arranged one.
I am on number two. I am hoping it keeps going 😃