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RE: Is a Universal Basic Income Inevitable ?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

✋️👋 you hit the majors ones in my opinion.

Where does it come from? As taxation is theft 😎

Additionally, it is completely possible that people would lack purpose and become depressed and/or more lazy. It's on them in the end, but we end up back to how we got the currency for the UBI in the first place?

I think in theory it would be great!!! Big party for all 🎉
Tell me where it would come from though. If it involves government and/or taxation it has already failed.

Peace ✌️


I agree with you completely, Taxation is Theft.

I think Crypto UBI has a place, I don't even think it necessarily even needs anything more complex than bitcoin.

The best way to growth the cryptocurrency space is to increase adoption.

You literally give away the crypto, I think you can even make the case for a selfish incentive to do so to increase adoption and value of the currency.

You build a system to fairly distribute a pot of money, and I think the money will come.

The hard part is preventing abuse:

Crypto has made a bunch of anarchist/libertarian leaning people much wealthier than they previously imagined, if the crypto community can voluntarily supplant and eventually replace the welfare state it will help us to destroy any and all justification for the warfare state that it is attached to.

I put a lot of thought and experimentation into this back before I got wary of reddit's censorship:

I want to look into rebuilding this idea in Ethereum soon, but I will need to find a good oracle that can be trusted to limit signups somehow.

I like it.

As you say and with anything, the preventing abuse will be the hard part.
Can be worked out though. ;-)

It does meet the two criteria I made mention of.
It is not Government being voluntaryist/anrchist in nature.
And it is not happening/alive via taxation but via code and I imagine the work to make that coin/currency come into reality.

Open to it and interested in knowing more. I'll check out the reddit post. Thank you!

I am interested in helping with such a coin..... been considering such a thing myself to create... as well as other models in blockchain to help people... for instance charity service/good credits that are tradable among the homeless

Through the chattle bonds which are created when a citizen is born in any country which is supposed to go to infustructure but as we've seen it's been poorly spent other ways. All American citizens have what's called an exemption account associated with a chattle bond worth ten million and the individual is the trustee of that account. Thats why anytime someone gets any type of legal paperwork from the gov the name is in all capitals. Its referencing a different entity but because its under cannon law to move forward it only takes a reply instead of full disclosure by the petitioning party. Where as common law is more common sense, golden rule basically lol.

THere is no taxation. You are just voluntarily paying the amount that gets taxes today because you are a responsible person, aren't you?

If by voluntarily, you mean if we don't pay, large men with guns will come kill or cage you, then yes.

So in other words you don't.

How do magic streets in existence then?

Excuse me? So rather than have a debate you prefer to cast aspersions on me? Classy. Believe it or not, not ONE CENT of your federal income tax in the USA goes to building roads. It all goes to paying interest on the Federal Reserve Debt.

Excuse me?
I asked a question, you not really answered. I tried to quench out your meaning and then you start going around with one certain kind of tax in a far away country.

Why not instead of concentrate on the problem: If no one is paying for infrastructure, no infrastructure is build.

Actually you made a statement, one insinuating I don't contribute to society, THEN you asked a question...

I can not speak for your country, I can only speak for my own. Conversely systems of taxation are usually similar world wide, and I imagine your own system of taxation is largely focused around paying interest on money printed out of thin air.

To your point, you ASSUME no one will pay for roads... but guess what. Private industry has plenty of incentive to do so own its own. The government does not build roads, contractors do. Furthermore to my point, the majority of taxation simply goes to banks who have the privilege of printing money for nothing, NOT infrastructure.