I will begin by explaining what is the word rest?
Rest means; put the mind or body at rest, this in the dictionary we will find it like this.
Now Rest for me is to be calm and peace, always our life is in constant motion Why? This is due to our various day-to-day tasks.
We always think tomorrow I'm going to take a break that is to say one day in total tranquility, this should be one that we do not have:
• The phone, or the computer.
• Not having visitors in our homes.
• Do not make food, but buy made.
This in some cases does not work, that is the day everyone calls you, unexpected visits arrive, which you will have to attend and cook for it, or you have to do everything and even things that you did not expect. I give you this biblical text that He says:
S. Matthew 11:28
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
In God we will have a true rest.
I hope you like it.