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RE: Learning to Appreciate The Grind - Almost Always Less Is More...

in #life7 years ago

Grammatical glitches make your writing harder to read, and they turn readers off.

Content may be king, but you’ll gain a lot more respect and credibility if your writing is just as brilliant as the ideas you convey.

And by brilliant, I mean clean.

When your writing is clean, readers understand where you’re coming from. And the more your readers understand and respect where you’re coming from, the more likely they are to share your content.

As editor of Brazen Careerist’s blog, Brazen Life, I often see the same errors in submissions for our site. If our smart contributors make these mistakes, chances are you make them sometimes, too.

So next time you write a blog post, whether it’s a guest post or for your own site, check it over for these errors:


For starters they are not his ideas, they are the ideas of others that he is merely quoting. The post contains more than just 'grammatical glitches'. Most third graders could write better. I also see very little depth to any of the discussions presented. This turd of a post would not make the trending page of any other websites on this planet.

@irfan786 I appreciate your comment but I would like you to know that the inflês is not my native language, however I speak 4 languages and life is always an apprenticeship. People also make grammatical errors in their comments but I do not care about this because I'm sure many of them are not writing on their native stringers. What is most important is that the intention, the attitudes, and the message are understood.

I'm not search for Shakespeare (s) on steemit. I'm search for honest people

But, thank you again!

Regards and all the best!
