in #life7 years ago

Hasn't been a year I came to the conclusion that I have severe anxiety. I think it has become a bit easier after the acknowledgment. A sudden change in mood and I know the cause behind it. Before It would take over processing and analyzing my brain and try to identify things that might've gone wrong. Now I just say this mantra to myself "It's nothing, just your anxiety" And I seem to handle it much better. Although it sucks when it hits. It's like the sensation you get from love at first sight except it's not.

Just dealt with a sudden anxiety attack as I write this. Know this shall pass too. 


Just know you're not alone, my friend. Struggled with it for a long time and have learned to manage it. A lot of resources out there to help you cope. Start to think about what triggers it for you. Many times when you can pinpoint that, you can start to find ways to alleviate the symptoms. Good luck to you!

Thank you! working on it everyday

The amygdalas in our brains signal when our survival is at stake. Some of us have overactive amygdalas and the solution is for our more evolutionarily developed parts of our brain to talk our amygdalas down. Good post.