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RE: The Economics of Earl- Common Sense- and The Zen of Joe Sixpack

in #life7 years ago

Rich - I am often amazed at who the smart people really are, having a title behind your name doesn’t always mean that much. I often tell people that people of my fathers generation (1930’s) and their eighth grade educations are smarter than some people with a masters degree today. I am not the brightest person in the world, but I have a PhD in common sense and understanding people. I have encouraged my younger children to go into a trade were they are using their hands and minds. HVAC, Robotics repair, electrical line work are a few to start with. Will be hard to replace with a robot. A lot of people pay good money to have children indoctrinated by academia. They graduate don’t have a clue about life, only what their professors have fed them. Sometimes fed well, but most times fed garbage.