Ahh, this is so relevant.
To be honest, I'm so like you on these things. I also have a partner who goes to bed early and wakes with the sun. Never had a problem with it. And I, on the other hand, have just always been a night owl. And I'm also the one who loves to write.
I think the nighttime can be so fruitful for writing and thinking and pondering and all that good stuff, which I love to do. Probably too much. Definitely too much, at times. When I'm given the time for it, I will use it to do just that. And it's not inherently bad in itself, but it can form a bad habit and mess with your body rhythm. It's not healthy, and that's the truth. I've lived with and around shift workers and I've seen what swing and late night shifts can do to a person. Can take years off a life and make you sick.
So yeah, I fight to keep myself on an earlier schedule too. I fix it and then I slip a little at a time until I'm staying up too late again. It's a discipline issue, completely. And one that will show effects in time if not made right.
And I like the mornings for yoga too. I hate the days when I don't get my morning yoga in. It just doesn't feel as good. It doesn't feel as balanced or healthy for me.
I've always either worked contractually for months at a time and then off again for months, and during the time not working it's so easy to slip. Discipline is hard and especially with how we schedule our time. And now, I'm about to start a new job and so my schedule should naturally become more of a normal one just due to that fact.
But yeah, you need to spend time with your loved ones. You need to have that time to connect. Don't take that for granted, don't neglect it. There are certain rituals in our house regarding this that we do every day, like meal times, just certain things that we stop everything to do, no matter what. Never eat alone if someone else is home. Make a point to do it together.
And the sedentary nature of writing. That's the eternal issue with enjoying writing and reading. You have to sit to do it. I do listen to audiobooks sometimes. But generally, you just have no other choice, you have to sit. Sometimes I like to veg out, but other times I really hate that it's that way. I've set myself up a standing desk to help with this predicament and it has helped. I also use a yoga ball for sitting when I absolutely have to, if I'm doing online work from home. It gives some wiggleability and keeps me in mind to move around a bit more.
I'm working on it all too. You're not alone lol.
(Oh, and I see now that's a doggo not a horsey. It so looks like a horse to me in your profile pic. I think I'm just hunting associations anywhere I can. It's my fun. Don't take it from me! :P)
Yup, actually, we've sucked at getting up early so I'm gonna stay up late tonight and meditate/write, it's the best time, nice and quiet. Crazy thing is, as long as I meditate it doesn't phase me, I was getting 4-5 hours and feeling totally fine. Once I start working out hard that might change...
As much as I want to get up early for yoga, I don't know if it will happen til summer, gf is wiped lately and I have to meditate daily, haven't gotten up early because of baby and other things, but got some amazing yoga in last night. Just read some Spira and did yoga after.
What kind of work are you starting? Gonna be able to start posting or what?? haha. Gary V says to document, not create. Looks like you could write some of these posts, just gotta beat me to the punch or post a reply/spinoff!
Awesome you have a standup desk, I have one at work and then just put my laptop on my kitchen counter lol
LOL someone else thought dragon
Yeah, I can run on low sleep too. I always have been that way. Late nights and short sleeps and back at it again. I just love to do things. I hate having to slow down. And when I get a truly creative idea, I'm just on. Full steam. lol. Or Steem, rather, nowadays. (Totally free to pick me apart there.) I know it's not the best. Sometimes I just have creative energy off the charts. Almost registers as anxiety if I don't get it out and processed. Sounds like I'm describing a manic episode, but it's not. I know it's not. It's just energy. I'm thankful for it while I'm still young and have it like I do. I hope I don't lose it for a very long time.
And yeah, it's turning spring. My active hobbies come out to play when the weather warms up. That's hiking, camping, biking, and always walking. I walk no matter what. I'm actually kind of sad when the winter goes. It can be so humid here. It's a humid kind of hot.
Well, if I get the job it'll be full-time online proctoring for college exams. I find the weirdest jobs. I'm a big fan of the flexible hour type jobs, and the telecommute type jobs. I wish I could just get paid to write. It's my pipe dream, as it is for so many others. Okay, to be honest, I want to be Neil Gaiman. Or as a lovely lady, I'd be his wife, Amanda Palmer. Or just both of them all balled into one, with a tiny dose of me mixed in to keep it original. I've also got an offer outstanding to come work on residential housecleaning for a relative of mine's business. So it's either flexible work or something where I can daydream. And I love something physical, I feel tired at the end of the day, but it's a good kind of tired.
And yeah, I knew it was a dog, but I think the B&W gives it a dreamy kind of feel. Looks like a sad unicorn on first sight to me. I wonder who else has thought that too.