Don't make it a habit for us to feel better than others, so that we are busy assessing the shortcomings and mistakes of others it is not easy to do.
Because if we are only busy assessing the weaknesses and mistakes of others, then we will run out of time to improve ourselves.
Take control of our hearts to never feel that we are better than anyone, really if we continue to let such qualities dwell in the heart, then in the end we will always see the shortcomings of others.
We will always assume that we are the most righteous, and of course the shortcomings of others will appear even before our eyes, if our ego cannot be controlled
the more we feel right, feel better than others, the feeling of pride, arrogance, and selfishness will arise, so we will be more fond of thinking that others are wrong.
For that, we are more busy arranging our hearts, we are more busy repairing the deficiencies that are in ourselves, so that we have no chance to see the shortcomings of others, even though they are very small.
And really we will always be busy looking for mistakes that exist in others, if every time we always feel more perfect and more sacred than others.
We will not assume that other people are trivial with what they do, if what we do we always think is better and perfect.
subdue our hearts from feeling better than others, so that no matter how good our circumstances never make us feel good and perfect.
Do not let the more we improve ourselves, the more we feel that we are good and holy, so that we will not be able to do other people.
no matter how good we are from other people, no matter how good self-improvement we have done, if our hearts are overwhelmed then still before our God will look low.
Therefore, if we have been successfully busy improving ourselves, try to keep our hearts well and properly. Do not let us try well, but still arbitrarily assess others who are also not good.
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