Unwrap the Gift of Your Intrinsic Worth

in #life6 years ago

My previous post was about how we successfully get big projects done without feeling overwhelmed. It essentially was a productivity post. If you've been starting multi-month projects, but not completing them, or having goals you never seem to make progress toward, then you should go back and read that post.

Achieving the things we want to achieve in life is an important aspect of personal fulfillment, but so is the ability to be happy without needing to DO anything before you can.

Though capitalism would like you to believe that the only value you have is measured by the degree to which your actions contribute to the power and wealth of the key stakeholders of capitalism, this is simply not true. You had value the moment you drew your first breath. The moment your mother or father looked into your eyes for the first time, they knew they were seeing the most precious thing they had ever beheld.

Just as they clearly knew your value in that moment, so too must you know your value in each moment.

In some of those moments you will be celebrating accomplishments, large or small, but in others you have reason to celebrate your mere existence.

Metaphysically speaking, I would say that you have the same value found in all things, for you are a part of the same perfect consciousness that imbues all things.

That doesn't mean that everything you do is good. That doesn't mean you don't make mistakes. Your behaviors don't have to be perfect in order for you to be. The life you have fashioned for yourself doesn't necessarily reflect the grandeur, love and beauty of who you truly are.

But how you create that life that reflects your true value doesn't solely come down to what you do. Part of living up to your potential comes down to how much you've developed your ability to recognize your intrinsic value and then live as if you know what you know.

As the adage goes, to be a Buddha does not mean to be seen by others as a Buddha. It means to see the world with the eyes of a Buddha. Well one of the things you must gaze upon is your own reflection. Can you see the Buddha in you? Can you accept your Buddha Nature?

Or do you argue for your imperfections? Do you insist on calling yourself insufficient? Do you demand that you accomplish X before you are allowed to dare rest in satisfaction? Are you afraid you will disintegrate into worthlessness if you don't prove in every moment that you are earning your keep on this Earth?

What a cruel master you can make for yourself when you accept the teachings of innate worthlessness that must somehow be hammered into value through hard work.

I hope you will throw off the chains that you have accepted for yourself. I want to encourage you to embrace your worthiness of happiness, self-confidence and even healthy pride, and accept it as soon as you open your eyes each morning.

Look in that mirror. See the Buddha staring back at you, and feel the respect and appreciation for that image that it deserves. Then go out into your day with that perfect self-love and self-confidence.

Move when you feel moved.

Be still when nothing moves you.

Trust that if you have made plans that you are excited about accomplishing, you will be inspired when works needs to get done to bring it about. (And when you don't feel inspired about a goal, that's an indication that the goal needs some revision until you do.)

Allow yourself to live as the infinite potential expressing itself in specific form that you are, and you will not only know great joy yourself, but you will bring great blessing to the world.

Instead of just another person who teaches inadequacy everywhere you go, you will become a teacher of fulfillment. You will teach through your example that happiness is not a prize to be won, but a gift to be unwrapped. And what a beautiful thing it is each time someone decides to unwrap theirs.

(Photo source: Pixabay)


Resteems always appreciated


I love how you encourage everybody telling them that they are valuable when they first take their first breath, that is so wonderful. I'll tell you, nothing is more contagious than enthusiasm.
Your writings just breathe so much love, enthusiasm, and just straight-up genuine compassion.

Thanks, so glad to hear it strikes a note with you. It is so important that we share information and inspiration with each other on a regular basis. There is so much designed to do the opposite that's coming at us every day.

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