In Praise of Magic

in #life7 years ago (edited)

The other day a friend commented that she always remembers my dog Magic as being a boy.

I told her it was probably because I gave her a name that suggested the quality she contributes to the world, and the quality isn't being pretty or cute.

If you think about it, female dogs are usually given female names, which tend to be pretty sounding names. Male dogs may get names given to human men, but more often they are given quality names, names that say something about who they are as an individual.

Well male or female, my dog is Magic.

She has brought magic into my life, and seems to bring it with her everywhere she goes. Here's a little of her magic power.

Magic is a charmer. Her name may not be cute, but she definitely is. Doesn't your heart just melt looking into those pretty brown eyes? The sweetness of her nature comes through in those eyes.

Magic has a ridiculously long tongue for such a small dog. Beware if you go near! It's quick too, and she likes to lick people's mouths.

Magic is a lover not a fighter. Actually, she doesn't even seem to be capable of understanding aggression. At least she didn't before she was attacked by a raccoon in the backyard. She's been a little easier for me to convince not to try to play with a dog while it is in the midst of trying to attack her and its owner is trying to pull it back. She used to run circles around us all trying to get to such dogs, because she was convinced they most be trying to play fight with her. The only one who needs to be afraid of Magic is her little stuffed squirrel. Not even real squirrels really need to worry. Once she chased on into the bird netting around my tomatoes and the thing couldn't get out. Guess who was more terrified, the squirrel or Magic? If you said Magic, you are correct!


Magic also somehow manages to get me to go for a walk in the woods every single day, rain or shine. Even in pouring down rain, she still begs to go, and I still can't say no, despite her having a perfectly good doggy door and a fenced yard she could really go in by herself during the day. Sometimes I try to get her to let the idea go, but then I'll walk past the front door and she'll get so excited thinking that we're finally going for our daily walk that I just don't have the heart not to take her.
Magic on trail at Robs (2).jpg

But the greatest magic she brings cannot be captured in any picture.

She has the ability to make me laugh for no reason, but the sheer joy of the thought of her. I know when I wake up that as soon as I go out into the living room where she sleeps that I'll be greeted by the happiest little companion and reminded that the day is meant to be enjoyed. And as I fall asleep, I will laugh again, remembering the silly things she's done that day.

She also has inspired the most outgoing nature within this introvert. Not only do I go out for a walk every single day now, instead of maybe a couple times a week before I got her, but I actually talk to every single person I pass! And forget it if they have a dog. Of course, the dogs have to greet, so we owners have to chat a bit. And then there's the dog park, super social territory there. Wherever we are going and whoever we will meet there, Magic will set the tone and greet the situation with her natural exuberance.

Sometimes I even forget to feed her. I'll get lost in my work, and have a very late lunch myself, so forget to feed her. She responds by going to where her food bowl should be then mimicking eating. I of course notice there is nothing there, and realize "Oh, there's no food there!"

She has also trained the neighbors to pet her and the children to want to take her for extra walks. She's just so fun, the way she bounces along with such eagerness at all times.

Magic also has a few neighbors she inexplicably doesn't like. I've trained her to only poop in greenery beside the road, but when we get to these neighbors' houses she decides to drop an extra log right in their driveway. She even cranks her head sideways to look at their house as she does it. And these are neighbors who don't have dogs, so it is definitely the human she is targeting for her disdain. I have no idea why. They are all quite pleasant toward her when we run into them on the road while walking. (Maybe she secretly knows I don't really care for them all that much?) I continue to work at getting her to spare all driveways her doggy deposits and stick to the foliage.

This is probably her one bad habit. One day I know she'll wind up in doggy heaven, because where else could she go? And when she's there, I'll still be laughing as I wake up at the memory of how she has trained me to greet each day. And laughing as I fall asleep to the thought of all the silly things I did that day myself. And I'll still be speaking to every person I pass on daily walks, though possibly not rain or shine anymore.

Such is the life that has been touched by Magic.


I got a dog (also a tiny, adorable rescue mix) four years ago. I totally agree that it was a life-changer for an introvert like me. Even when Crosby isn't with me, I have a much greater tendency to initiate conversations with people (often about dogs lol), and it's a lot less painful than it used to be. He's also helped me with my "EQ" -- he's a very intuitive little guy, and it's helped me realize how much can be learned from non-verbal cues.

They really are magical little creatures, aren't they? I'm just so grateful I didn't wait any longer to get my first. Life is better with dogs!

This is Crosby en route to Dallas
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OMG, you took him on a plane. I've never flown with Magic. Was it an easy experience? He looks like a little darling.

It went better than I thought it would! He wasn't thrilled and whimpered a bit, but was otherwise a great travel buddy. You should try a short flight with Magic and see how she feels about it.

Odd question maybe, but what did you do about his need to go to the bathroom? A long day of travel and being stuck inside the entire time, I mean sometimes a doggy has got to at least pee.

No, that was definitely part of the consideration. The Dallas airport has a central outdoor area, so we took him there for the layover. He was cooped up for about 5 hours max at a stretch, which is well within his toileting window.

What a great pet name and great story! I love how you recognize just how magical she. It sounds like she sure does live up to the name. I'd say she has a pretty special owner as well :)

LOL, well she seems to think so anyway 😀

What a magical looking pupoir? ;)

Is pupoir doggy?

Magic is a little bundle of joy! Way to adorable.

She is also the sweetest little being. She's actually a "good person."

WOW! With those long ears, she looks so much like my "POGO".

You must absolutely adore you Pogo then! Aren't they the best thing ever?


Really Magic! Positive)

Hi @indigoocean, Is Magic part Maltese? I have a Maltese, too! Their eyes are like swimming in pure love. Emma La Rue says she wants to be friends with Magic :) I love your post. Thanks for sharing your Magic story - very sweet.

Yes, she is half Maltese and half poodle. Can you believe she was a rescue? Someone left her out on a mountain for the coyotes, but she made her way down to the parking lot after a few days and then wound up at the shelter. They are the sweetest dogs, aren't they? Glad you enjoyed her story.

They are truly the sweetest! My rescue Bichon/poodle mix has a very similar story. Very sad. :( I hope you don't mind me sharing this video of Emma - it's one of my favorites and I think you will love it.

I love it! That ear says it all. 😀

Is Magic a Maltese @indigoocean? I think her name is cute!! My dog looks so similar! This makes me miss my dog SOOOOO much. Ahhhh I need someone to let me dog-sit for a day.

I love how you ended this "such is the life that has been touched by Magic." Haha, next time I'm naming my dog something like that so I can attempt to write cool sentences like this.

His name is Meeko.

OMG, so cute! Yes, Magic is half maltese and half poodle. LOL, it was a fortunate happenstance that her name worked so well for a pun 😀

My dread of missing her has kept me from traveling much for the last few years. I'm getting that wanderlust though, so realizing I'm going to have to leave her with friends for at least a month soon.

The coming home will be so much sweeter for your having left, and Meeko is going to throw a fit of joy!