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RE: What is the Sodalitas Vultur Volans?

in #life8 years ago

What is this shemhamphorash ? I have not yet gotten a clear answer about whether or not I want to delve into this magick, because I have not yet become clear about what part of this might be involved with Enlil and Enki and what part of it is the Creator. I am not yet convinced that the Jews were working with entities that were emissaries of the Creator or emissaries of the aliens that created us, so I am on the fence about whether or not I am up for calling them into my life. Sigil magick appears harmless to me because I am using the alphabet we use. The Kaballah and the Tarot I feel that I can use without invoking these entities, but I am not yet sure about this - I do not want to invoke any dark forces or energies... I am not one to want to get spirits to do things for me - but I am certainly open to hearing your experience.


The 72 angels of the Shemhamphorash are based on Kabballah. They are derived using a kabbalistic formula from the script of Exodus and their powers are attributed according to Gematria and the Kabballah. Far from being dark spirits, they are functions of the Source/ and in my experience they bring a sense of calm stillness when evoked. Other people have reported incredibly powerful and uplifting experiences when we've worked with them in the past. I will probably provide updates on it through posts on here once we start.

OK, I am interested. what do I need to do?

I'll make a post about it soon.... there's a talisman and a sigil to charge and a ritual. I will start by posting the talisman since you use that no matter which angel you are working with and put a list of the angels and their powers so we can decide what we want to do.