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RE: Exercise Birthing Ball FAIL

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Troy 4 ACCOUNTS Reid talks so much shit one could mistake it for a fart. He pounded home the "we use the solar oven for most of our meals" yet his viewer financed wife in her videos used a electric stove on grid. Now that like everything he owns took a shit. Whats he do? Uses solar oven ( the one he talked good about in exchange for getting it free)? No instead he brings an outdoor ONLY camp site stove/oven INDOORS. High risk of carbon monoxide! Its clearly on owners manual! But thats 4 ACCOUNT Troy by passing laws and rules. This is dangerous for Michelle!!!! He doesnt care. He KNOWS damn well the hazards


Let me get this straight- Honest trog the beggar and CAI member has 4 accounts? How can that be? Must be a mistake since he only has 1 phone and surely Ming Ding is above contributing to fraud or is she?