POWER OF THOUGHTS SEEN VISUALLY - Think twice about what you think...

in #life7 years ago

Hi! We all know (or should know) that thoughts, including spoken words have a big impact to us and our surroundings, whether positive or negative.

Even though many people agree to this, I personally believe the majority agree because it is the most sensible thing to agree to, however a few only understand the reasoning behind why they make such a big impact.

Water has some form of consciousness and is definitely aware of its surroundings

  • Now the above will sound absolutely bat sh*t crazy to 99% of you but I will get to the point in all of this, so keep reading.

Masaru Emoto was a Japanese author, researcher, photographer and entrepreneur, who studied that human consciousness, thoughts, feelings and words spoken has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Emoto's studies explored that water could react to positive thoughts and words and that contaminated water can be purified through positive thinking and positive visualization.

Now, everyone likes to see proof of this, which is widely available. (Remember - Believing is seeing, not the other way round).

Emoto further conducted studies with classes who did the following experiment:
1.) They filled up 2 glasses of water from the same source.
2.) One glass was covered/wrapped with positive/loving words, in which the words were facing inwards towards the water.
3.) The other glass had hateful, negative words, again wrapped around the glass facing in towards the water.
Don't forget, these words were hand written on ordinary pen and paper.
4.) The glasses were left (exact duration unknown - however a 24 hours + is enough) for a certain duration in the same room with enough distant apart.
5.) After this, they removed the paper and took a sample of each water, one from the positive glass and one from the negative glass.**
(These water crystals can only be seen through powerful microscopes)

The below is NOT the results from that experiment however it will resemble the SAME results if you had conducted this... (DO NOT GET YOUR MIND BLOWN)

Do you know what this proves? Simple, water structure or water itself understands the meaning of each and every word and thoughts created. It forms VERY SPECIFIC crystal structure depending on the word. This applies to anything and everything else that could be spoken and thought of. SENDING DIRECT THOUGHTS TO WATER HAS THE SAME IMPACT.

  • Regardless of all this, the question you are probably asking your self is..... HOW THE HELL DOES WATER KNOW WHAT WORDS ARE AND WHATS BEEN SAID TO IT?! I personally believe that no one including scientists understand how water is able to understand but only understand that this works.

How you can prove this visually when you don't own a £5000 microscope
(This is called the rice experiment)

  • As mentioned above regarding the water experiment, instead you use cooking rice instead of water!
    1.) Cook enough rice to fill up to small jars. (The reason we use rice is because rice absorbs water. So in this case we can see what affect negative and positive water has on its surroundings - in this case, rice).
    2.) Wrap positive words around one jar and negative words around the second jar (DON'T GET THEM MIXED UP)
    3.) Leave them alone with at least 10 feet apart and for 6 + months for best results.


shocking right?

If thoughts, feelings and words spoken out loud has this much affect, what do you think this is doing to our bodies and daily lives?

  • Think twice about what you say, what you think.... even specific words written on your t-shirt! We are around 70% water....

Hope you found this eye opening! Thank You


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Interesting article. I may have to try this with rice.


not sure what you mean!


I just realized your name :') LOL. Guess we can never make a decent conversation....meep

Thank you for reading, really appreciate it! Please give it a go... :) Just proves that, there are things in this universe that are so outstanding that if we truly understood them... life would be so different.

Thank you once again