Homeschooling A Tech Wizard

in #life8 years ago

I have a kiddo who LOVES technology and can do things I can't even fathom. School wasn't meeting his needs so I decided to homeschool him about a year ago. Today we set a new goal for him.....code and create his very own video game, totally what every nine year old is doing, right? I can't wait to see what he comes up with. We will focus all of our learning around that project including math, language, spelling, writing, social studies, etc... I'm so excited to see what he comes up with!


Sometimes school can slow the most creative of us down. Sounds like you are on the right track.

There were a variety of reasons that school wasn't effective for him, but it has been amazing seeing his creative tech abilities explode at home! I love being able to focus on what he is excelling at and incorporate things he isn't as awesome with.

Sounds like project-based homeschooling.
Have you read this book?
My oldest is 12-yrs-old. He has never been in school, but I know for sure that it would not have worked for him. I wrote about that here:

I haven't read that book! We usually just learn as we live life....but sometimes a project is fun. I'll check out the book and read your post! :)