in #life7 years ago

Let's question this conventional cliche with ikedichiEGWU.

The usual belief is that pride comes before fall; we all grew up with this cliche believing it to be nececesarily true; but putting this into a different view, there can be instances whereby fall comes before pride.

An instance that came to mind is one cited by someone that a big time entrepreneur experienced business downturn and as expected he or she is naturally expected to adjust to the business crisis to get a fresh breath,but he or she went however, on to live the lifestyle he or she had been known for,living large and all that. Have we ever thought that "fall could happen before pride"? Let's even put it this way, what if pride comes after" fall" has taken place? Would that even be possible?! Well, let's find out.

In a broader layman's sense, borrowing cue from the introductory example above, let's paint a scenario and consider it together. Let's say in a certain community, there lives a very rich man(in fact the richest), whose respect and influence among his people was earned as a result of his apparent robust financial status. Let's assume this man hits upon a major challenge or setback in his business enterprise and goes bankrupt as result. Don't forget that this is a man who knows most people, if not all, respect him for his rich financial status, and has been basking in the euphoria that this type of stature among his people often brings. Interestingly enough, not many people now know about his current predicament and resultant fall in status. This should imply that most people perceive him to still be so rich(or even the richest). Now, a number of psychologists have come out in the past to posit that perception moderates the behaviour of an individual. So, what we now have is a man who must keep with up his people's perception of him. After all, he must not lose his influence among them(his people). So instead of adjusting to his present predicament, there is a constant pressure and struggle to now live above his means. He now has a new need to meet, a need to continually feed the public spectacle. He does not mind incurring huge financial debt through accessing credit facilities just to maintain his status among his people. In fact, he now inadvertently brags all the time about his no-more existing financial status. All we can say is, in a way his people's perception of him, true to psychologists, has moderated his behavior (to that of hypocrisy). Now what do you suppose we call that?! PRIDE, of course! But don't forget, it didn't occur before he fell but after the fall.
So with the above painted scenario, do you still think pride necessarily goes before a fall?

Please keep your answers rolling in.
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IkedichiEGWU (Explicit).