In the holy book of the Qur'an in the Surah of Ath-Thalaq: 6, it says: "Put them (wives) where you according to your abilities and do not trouble them to constrict them (hearts), and if (divorced wives) are pregnant, give them a place until they give birth, if they suckle your children for you, give them their wages, and deliberate among you (all things) well, and if you are having difficulties then other women may nurse (the child) for her. " (Q.S. Ath-Thalaq: 6)
The above verse contains the prohibition of troublesome the wives. The husband must give his wife a place of residence and make him happy with much to spend time with each other's satisfaction.

Although busy working, the time for his wife and children should be prioritized as well. Household conflict much backgrounded by the inability of the husband in managing his time. He was busy working and looking for money and forgot the time for his wife and children.
Many of the wives of executive members and state officials complained that her husband had no time for herself and the children. Most of the time the husband to work and for social interaction without engaging his wife. Many husbands spend their time outside the home; for example, leave from home early and come home late at night while his wife and children wait all day without any news from her husband.
The husband's ambition to the material and his career often sacrifices his time for his wife. Many husbands after work hours are finished, they are overtime anymore or go elsewhere for "business" reasons with their business associates.

The wife needs a husband, children also need a father. Not just the husband's money that the wife wants but also a husband beside her.
A wife who does not get the time from her husband as on the example above will gradually feel lonely and alienation that affects stress, anxiety, and depression.

Especially for wives, if you have a busy husband working, working, working and no time for you, than you feel lonely and alienation that over time makes you stress and depression, my suggestion better you take your time to do the activities social or religious lectures, and so on.

If your husband was late home is not because of work but because of entertainment, having fun with other women for example, then means sacrifice your time (wife) has been betrayed by the husband.

Keep in mind that the intuition of a woman is very strong when there are things that are not right with her husband. This intuition is often not realized by the husbands who in turn the husband's actions will be smelled by his wife.
A good and faithful husband, no matter how busy he works in the office or company, he is able to manage the time so that he has his time for wives and children.
Much Love
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