
That would make sense about the purple.

I don't get a lot of color in my dreams, or not anything more exaggerated than real life. My dreams always have a sort of fog, like I'm looking at life without my glasses. You get wild colors and movements in yours? I did experience that after passing out once before.

I... sometimes have dreams of a different life? I guess? ... there are periods sometimes where I see colors like very, brilliant and of different shades ..people talking in background. Probably the bubble guppies, that i forgot to turn off 😅

Lol! If you were swimming in the ocean or otherwise stopped having feet in your dream, then it's definitely the Bubble Guppies.

Interesting. Subconscious's are apparently quite varied in how they deal with life, and/or previous life.

No wasnt swimming, lol

Its like im asleep dreaming that I'm asleep.

I agree though subconscious mind/thought is very powerful, more aware than we are at times.