Suicides of students: Our responsibilities

in #life8 years ago

It hurts me deeply every time when I hear the news  of  suicides of students like me. I hail from India. In India, every hour a student commits suicide. Recently, a student Arjun Bharadwaj, jumped out of the window to  kill himself at the Mumbai's Taz Hotel. He made a live video on Facebook on " Tutorial about how to commit suicide" before ending his life

 I am Sagar, 18 years old student. I am very much concerned about the " suicide of students" issue. The end of a life is very much tragic when we know there were chances to save it. We all have certain responsibilities to save our future generation.. All I have to say is:

       To the students who thinks of  committing suicide:

I know you are depressed, I know you are frustrated, I know you think your parents are not happy with you, I know you think you mean nothing to anyone.. But is suicide the solution? Never..I request, Just look at your parents face when such ideas come to your mind. The faces which can sacrifice everything for you. They may not show  it every time.. But love you the most. You die. Your pains are over.. But what about pains of your parents, relatives and your beloved.. ? Go, talk to them what you want.. If you are honest they will never deny you.. If you fail in an opportunity , it never means you are unsuccessful.. It is always you who wins. You know your last mistake was your best teacher. Take the opportunities you missed as a part of your life not the only part of your life. I am taking Life like a cricket game.. There are six balls in an over, even if you miss 5 balls to hit, there is still the last ball.. Come to the frontfoot and hit it six.. Now you have six runs in six balls .. All filled up.. All you need to do is stay and just stay..Never give up

  To the parents: 

I know you have lots of dreams centering your child, I know it hurts when you see your child doing something you dont want him to do, something you think dont suit him to do.. But it's not always the case that he is able or interested to do something you want.. Ask him what he likes, know all his interests, know which gives him pleasure.. Let him think things , you guide..It's not that he is always able to grab opportunities.. No one is.. Donot demotive him or stop him if he loves doing that..Cover him from the society.. You are the only one who loves him without reason.. If you too stay indifferent as the society to him,he can't move on.. Appreciate him for what good things he did in the past.. It makes him strong.. Don't compare him with anyone..or donot force him to do something he is not interested in..and to do something which you see someone doing and being successful..Let him do something he likes doing.. I'm sure if you motivate him in his work.. He will be the best in his field..No one in this world has same qualities. Treat his qualities as unique one.

       To friends:

 You are his friends.. Donot limit your friendship in mere paying his bills in the canteen, helping him to set a girlfriend or sharing your shirt with him.. Donot limit your gossips only in how hot the girls in your class are.. Know his life .. How he is doing.. What his economic condition is.. What are his interests.. I know these things are not always cool to talk about.. But if you are a true friend, do ask these things.. Share your problems with him so that he too never hesitate to share his pains and problems.. Donot troll him on his life or on what he failed to do.. Give him courage.. He donot or can't share every problem to his parents.. Be free with him and help as much as you can.. A friend in need is a friend indeed .Do the best you can do for him..

       To the Society:

If you think you are a responsible citizen.. you have to do something for the students of your society.. Please motivate students.. Donot let their talent be rusted.. A good society can contribute for a better world..

      Let's do the best we can do to motivate students.. Donot let a life end.. Life matters..

          Thanks for reading this..feel free to correct me..




Why is it not also the responsibility of the student? You can't blame it on everyone else and not also realise that ultimately it may be that the student just can't cut it and doesn't have enough about them to pick up and start again.

This post is mainly about others responsibilities .. Of course, he has responsibililities and i have mentioned too..If the parents and near ones always support him, give him courage whenever he fails from the beginning, he never thinks of that idea. Thanks for visiting and commenting in the post

I think we stand on different sides of the fence on this issue. It may be cultural, but in the UK where you often don't have familial support or the support of your friends, it stands very much as a mark of your character if you pick yourself up and carry on. Those who don't are often disregarded as lesser people lacking in moral integrity and conviction. I'm not saying it's right, just that that's the way it is.

In my country, youths are not always free to take decisions espicially regarding life. I don't know what are it's prime advantages but i think it may ruin his creativity, it may force him do something he never liked.. Now he can't be happy with his work.. And if he fails,or miss opportunities he would break badly., and chooses to end himself.