Don't take yourself so seriously...

in #life7 years ago

A lot of the time I find people take themselves & life in general much too seriously. I personally think its silly, you should never not do something because you have a reputation. We seem to put on a filter and we are rarely acting as our authentic selves. Only you know who you are, so why would you stop being yourself? It really makes no sense. Don’t be afraid to exist freely, meaning you should follow your heart, just stop thinking and live from your heart. Deep down you know whats best for you, follow that path, because that is what you are meant to do. Do it not because it looks good, because other people will love or hate you for it. Do it because it is you. Act from you true self and you will be met with peace and long lasting happiness. So long as you believe in what you’re doing and letting go of your image in this world.

Let Go of your image
Let go of trying to be someone you’re not. No matter how hard you try, everyone in this world has their own path. God or the universe or whatever you want to call it, is calling you to a destination, a path if you will. You need to experience life in a certain way so you can grow and be the person you are meant to be. My favorite saying to explain this is grow through what you go through, because it is important to always take a second to realize bad things are good, and everything that is happening is meant to happen to make you stronger and aware of different things as life goes on. As an example it is like you are a spirit in space and say you want to go to Earth to do positive things like be creative as in expressing yourself, sowing love where there is only hate, and be a positive impact for others who might not be so positive. As you have these goals of things you want to give to the community of Earth once you get here you forget everything. You forget the purpose of why you were brought here and the path you are meant to walk and grow on. So now we are here on Earth not remembering your path, so we have to now trust something that is more powerful than you that doesn't have to deal with the human body and the ego to guide you silently on this path. Giving you signs like numbers, people, circumstances that all show you where you are meant to go and what you are meant to accomplish, as a human being living on this planet.

We all need to understand that there is no image, it’s a joke. We can try and try and try to be something that we are not, but in this case you will not be able to be truly at peace with life. Little things like how blue and bright the sky is in the day, or how starry and dark the sky is at night turns to be so beautiful it takes your breath away. You start to learn that no matter where you are you can be at peace and show only love to everything you come in contact in, no matter how “bad” or “good” things may appear.

Life is a Joke
We were made by generations and generations of people that share your blood having sex in order to create you. Understand that no matter what this world is just a game you were meant to play. Coincidentally you were created by your parents having sex to live this life, you were put here in this spot just because something loved you enough to keep you here. Due to this you don’t owe anyone anything, follow your path, follow your dreams and your passions and be all you can be; because you shouldn't be living this life for anyone but yourself because it is yours. Don’t take it so seriously, relax and stay calm. Create your own vibe be your own human, be happy because you have no one to do it for but yourself. Just by doing this you’re now at a place where you can deeply affect others lives in a positive way.

I cannot help but laugh at these so-called problems because really they are whatever you’d like to see it as. Life doesn’t need to be so serious. Ditch your expectations and you’ll find its impossible to mess up or be disappointed if there are no expectations.

In Conclusion, be yourself. Do what makes you happy, live from the authentic self side of you that only knows love and inner peace. Don’t be something your not just because it would make someone else happy, or due to wanting friends who don’t see things the way you do because that will never propel you up.

Kylee Wilkinson, Kenny Lutz, Cameron Dube, HUMBOWL

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