Making Tough Decisions Easy

in #life7 years ago

Throughout our lives we are faced with seemingly tough decisions or changes we must make. I’ve been thinking about decisions and why they can be so frightening and difficult and I have thought of a way we can make changes or decisions with confidence rather than fear or despair. For whatever reason for the past 3 years, decision making and changes have been so easy for me. I recently quit drinking completely. I quit nicotine and coffee. I went vegan, started eating healthy and meditating each day. I even quit my job which was uncomfortable at first, but a decision I had to make for my own good. All because of my chosen perspective on the matter. Here are a few things I thought of when it comes to making tough decisions or changes easy.

1-- Stop Caring
Easy said than done right? But it is possible! Everyone has the capability of being a little more leanient and a little less controlling and stressed in their life. Its just a matter of practice. Personally, it took being fed up with my current circumstances to get to the point where I gave up and stopped giving a fuck about whether or not I’m living the life I want or not. This for some reason gives you a whole new perspective on things and allows you to make subtle changes and eventually youre paradoxically in a way better place than you were before. I know this is vague, but I hope it makes sense. So you might to be fed up with your life or you might need to meditate, read the right books, listen to the right people. But do what you can to simply stop caring, and you’ll be in the perfect place to make changes because you don’t care anyways right?

2--The butterfly effect
Think of your life as far as 3 years down the road. Imagine what taking this step would change your life versus not taking this step. The way I see it is that any small change can drastically change the long term future no matter how small. Deciding to talk to some you haven’t spoken to in a while could very well change your life. Maybe they introduce you to your soulmate or someone who offers you a job or whatever it may be. Not only this, but think of whether or not your life will be better or worse long term. This will help you make the right decisions that are in your best interest. If you have no idea what is best, than try things out, you’ll learn.

3--Everything is perspective
You are the one labeling changes as “tough” or “stressful” when in reality, it is what it is. Meaning, a sock is just some colorful fabric, until you decide to put in on your feet and call it a sock. Some people use socks on their hands and call them gloves. Some use socks for other things. Fact is, you decided what it is to you. That goes with everything, your problem is a fabrication in your mind. You’ve decided that this change will be hard. So it will. Its crazy how simplistic this is. But once this fact clicks in your mind, your life will never be the same. Some people hate winter, others love it. Is winter inherently bad? Of course not, it’s a choice. Decide right now that whatever tough decision or change you want to make will be easy. Is easy, always has been easy, difference is you are just now deciding that it’s easy.

No matter what, everything we do takes place in the present moment. Every decision you have ever made and ever will make has taken place here and now. When this idea sinks you will be an action taker. You will realize that talking about something is pointless, do it or don’t do it. Thinking about something is pointless, do it or don’t do it. Your life will get very exciting. Things will change quickly. You will change quickly. Living in the presents means living in a place that everyone is constantly trying to escape. By facing the reality that we only have this moment, you will make those tough desicions. They may not be easy and comfortable, but you will get shit done for once.

I really hope this helps, every time I make changes in my life, a big motivation for me is to try and put it into words to help others. So there is an underlying purpose to what I do. I’ll end with that. Do some inner searching and find what makes your heart fire up. Something that without ego, makes you truly happy. At this point you might be living for something bigger than yourself.

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