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Transcendent. All Powerful. All Knowing. The Definition Of Love. Merciful. Perfect
Love. It's a powerful force. We all want it. In fact we would give our lives in the name of it. It can turn negative into positive and darkness into light. This thing called love. Without it the world would be absolutely dysfunctional. I'm pretty sure we can all agree to that and I would love to here your thoughts on this if you don't agree. So I'll say this. The greatest act of love in the history of history was carried out by God himself. God is the very definition and essence of love. He loves you to ultra cosmic proportions and even that is an understatement. This is truth.
You were created to be a part of a perfect and all powerful family. I like to say our purpose for being here. For some reason that leads me to say this. People always say stuff like "Earl, you're a good man", "You're doing good work", You're the most generous person I know", etc. I am humbled by those words and reluctant to accept them. But I always wonder if people ever stop to ask a simple question to themselves. "Why does he do it?"
Well when you encounter the most powerful being you are shaken to the core. Your world will never be the same. You are driven to be a light to the world and to give your very life for those around you. People will find you very peculiar because you are operating with power given to you that will confound even the wisest and strongest men. But what they really need to know is that you just chose to be a part of the most loving and powerful family that has always existed. As a matter of fact, anyone can be a part of that family. This is the best news that I wanted you to hear and I cannot leave you without saying this one thing.
Love conquers all.

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This is a perfect topic of discussion @humanearl and "Believe" is the strongest evolution of philosophy in mankind and there may be different belief system and within that the term "belief" is always there.
So let this "Believe" continues....
Of course we all believe in different things but I just wanted to say believe because I think most people can agree that Love is so powerful.
I love her, because I believe her. I live my life, because I believe in it. I love this nature, my surrounding because I have faith and believe in it.
Without believe I will not be even able to breath.
Thank you @humanearl...steem on and stay blissful....
We all believe in something. That's the truth.
I like the statement you have coined here, 'To believe ...'. - When the bard wrote that, the answer was obvious, except in the mind of Hamlet, a disturbed and conflicted man, encircled by deception and ill intent of antagonists in the drama of life. The logical answer clear to Shakespeare's audience however - the answer was 'to be'. The question itself, more rhetorical than actual.
Politicians give the art of rhetoric a bad reputation, causing people to look upon it in speeches and essays as a tool of deception. You and Shakespeare, have something more noble as an objective, I believe.
You are clearly GUIDED my good steemian brother. March on!
That is very interesting @trumanity. I tried to put a spin on shakespeare's words. Thanks for that piece of info.
GOD IS LOVE and that God has revealed Himself to us in His Son, Jesus Christ .Thanks @humaneal Truly people are searching for love and the world really does need to know that
The search ended for me when I encountered the amazing love of God demonstrated to me in Christ.
It has forever changed my life. I'm a better man now than I ever could dream of being outside of Jesus Christ.
Every person searches for love. But not all love is God's love. Once you encounter his love you are in awe. That's the love we need to share with all people.
Without it the world would be absolutely dysfunctional.
You are absolutely correct my dear friend! Love has lots of definitions and that would be a great discussion!@humanearl,
People do in fact give love many definitions but at the core I believe it is the idea that you sacrifice yourself in order to benefit others. The opposite of love is hate. If everyone hated each other I'm pretty sure no one would say that would end very well. The world is in trouble now so I could only imagine what it would be like without some form of love.
I am glad you have taken such positive things from the bible. I am not into organized religion myself and believe that together we make "god". But thanks for spreading the love!
Together as humanity we can make heaven or heal right here on earth. Keep up the awesome Vlogs I love watching you grow!
hell not heal
Well we do agree that loves makes thing much better. Thanks for those words and no worries about not being religious. You are very welcome here to share your ideas and thoughts.
Thanks For sharing your religious beliefs. I do value diversity and people so even though I'm not religious please feel free to post about your religion. I like to find things I have in common and build a relationship about those instead of arguing over what we disagree on. But I also enjoy friendly debates
I must say, I really enjoyed reading this post @humanearl. We often hear “love conquers all,” in fairy tales, or just as a catch phrase. But Is it true? Yes and no.
No First- what we think when we hear it is something like “if I love this person everything will be perfect and easy and we’ll be together forever, happily ever after. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that is not true. Everything will not be perfect, and everything will not be conquered.
Yes- now for the goodnews. According to the word of God, God is love. That means that everything in existence, as far as we are concerned, is made of love. It is what makes everything possible. Everything in the universe works by God's law of love. So if you understand this love, and use and apply it correctly, you can pretty much do anything. You can endure anything and overcome anything.
Right the proper perspective is that there are two loves at play here. The world's love and God's love. I like how you said yes and no because it is true depending on which love you are talking about.
In my own little opinion, love of and by itself is not enough to conquer all. Love can not magically make two incompatible people compatible, for example.
It's a hard lesson to learn, but compatibility is important. Most relationship problems can be solved simply by good partner selection.
Fortunately, love is not scarce. We share a world with seven billion people. Opportunities for love are all around. A loving relationship with a compatible partner is far, far better than a loving relationship with an incompatible partner.
So you see that it's not just about the love in itself, but also about the people involved.
Compatibility does play a part. That true. What I was referring to however was the love of God which is an unconditional love. But yes I get what you are saying because even many who say they love someone can end up in a broken relationship.
Awesome post bro
My thoughts
Love is something which is spiritual/divine in nature.if someone had done any wrong to you. still you have to be calm and we do things that God certainly doesn't want from us to do but still he didn't punish us the next moment.
Also love stand for getting annoyed with has that part also cuz you can't really understand value of love without being unLoved.thats love I think
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. The love that is from God is truly mind blowing because yes it help you to love someone in spite of them harming or annoying you.
You made that? If so that's pretty cool.
Yeah.. I painted it for a #ophumanangels posts
Great work. Glad to see you are an artist.
The unconditional love of Christ was the ultimate example. Dieing for the sins of the world would show us thw guinine love that any other humanity cannot do.
God loves us so much that He gave His only son, Jesus Crist.
GOD BLESS YOU @humanearl
You said it right. Unconditional love. We as humans have to be taught to love unconditionally because we are not born with that kind of love.
Hi Eral,
Thanks so much for sharing. I totally agree. I asked God that he would really show himself to me and he did in such a loving way that I had never known before. There is no doubt in my mind that God is real and I could never turn my back on him after that. I know that if we all would ask God to show himself to us, we would all know that kind of love. Having that love makes me want to be loving to others.
Amazing that you experienced God's love. Many people don't believe God is real. But if they would simply ask God that question then God would be there to help and love them. They would experienece the greatest love they have never known. This is also why is so important for us who know God to show love to those who don't know him.
@humanearl I love your content...In my search for Truth Yeshua of Nazareth has led me to UNconditional love for all mankind....see my most recent post.....Blessings my friend...
That is the highest form of love. Unconditional. And Yeshua is love.
"Blessed are those who believe in the name of the Lord, for they will see him inside of their Brotherhoods"
Yeah bro @humanearl big check for that statement,. If others are wondering why such people doing or spreading the goodness , the simple answer for that is , have FAITH and Love. Thanks alot bro @humanearl for sharing us everyday a knowledgeable word coming out from your mouth that makes other enlighten their mind.
Asking "Why" someone does something helps to get down to to what drives someone to do it.
Your doing it because you have love for the people around you.Give the greatest love to God and all will feel like you are blessed even others see you down,what you will feel is still a blessing even the situation is in its hardest moment.In your ownself you will consider the downside as way of God showing his love to you,its his way to make you more stronger.
Thanks @kimaben. I have gotten better at using negative situations and turning them into positves. I'm not perfect at it but I've gotten much better.
Thats nice to here 😊
YES! Great stuff @humanearl. My favorite verse is 'And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the great and [a]foremost commandment. 39 The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ The best part to me is the last two words "as yourself" You can't love everyone else, until you love yourself.
Thank you for sharing the word my man. Love it and love you bro.
Wooow. I have read this verse somany times, but I have never seen it in this light. The moment you have love for yourself, that moment you become empowered to love others. Love comes from the inside out, and of its not inside, there is no way it can come outside. Keep the love flowing @captainbob
Yeah brother, for years I read that verse as well and never saw it that way. Same to you @georgechukwu. Peace and love.
The love is mutual and much respect @captainbobThe center of those verses is LOVE.
Firstly, if I ever get to say ‘I love you’ to anyone I am simply saying to the person that am in love with you and all your luggages. Here the luggages include your imperfections, mistakes, awesomeness, structure and behaviors. It is saying I love you because you are my total package and i don't see what others or even you could call imperfection or abnormalities rather I see them as what makes you unique. I see them as part of who you are. Even if we have to change some of those things it should be mutual, you will have to like them if not it is not A PROBLEM AT All.A very nice piece @humanearl.
This does not only spy to the love between a man and a woman, but also between people who have a platonic relationship.
Remember the saying, God is love? Yes I am a believer in it and believe that when I love it should be unconditionally
That's where is gets really tough for us. To love someone with all their baggage and imperfections. tha's why it is hard to love like God because his love is unconditional which is a much higher form of love.
Love is not just a feeling. Love is not just an attraction, but love is a duty. Love is a duty that should be fulfilled whether you feel like or not.
Titus 2 vs 4 : That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children
If love is a feeling, then it can't be taught, but the scripture here says love can be taught. This means that love is more than a feeling, but rather a commitment to the good of another.
Going by the passage you stated, just the way the young women were told to love their husbands, they were also told to love their children. This love can not be an attraction because am not attracted to my children. This love is a commitment, thats why we are committed to the wellbeing of our kids, even if it is to our own detriment.
This is what love means. Let's not show this attitude to our children alone, but also to our spouse, and to all those around us.
Right on. Love is a commitment and bond according to God's definition.
Wow! I've never asked myself or ask you this question: why does Earl do all the good things he does?
But today, I've just discovered that he does all this things because of love and because he wants to be a light to the world and give life to those around him.
Hallelujah!! I'm really motivated and I've learnt a very important lesson. Truly, this is the kind of mentality that everyone should have - spreading love and touching other people's lives.
We should strive to have the God type of love. For the Bible says:
Truly, Love conquers all.
Happy Steeming
The Love of Christ will compel you to love to the greatest lengths. The love of God is baffling to the world. I am in need of love and help from God all the time. I just want to be the light he is calling me to be.
I read all your posts and more than once wondered why Earl does it. Just because he's a good guy? - but this is too easy and trivial answer. Those who really read your posts - asked themselves this question repeatedly. And the one who read this post carefully, found out the answer to this question.
I will not say those banal things that tell you all the time, I'll just tell you THANKS Earl
Any time. I really appreciate you always having great things to say.
Indeed, love conquers all, and God showed us the true definition of love, if not we would have been long gone, with all our sinful deeds, we try in our own possible little way to show this love to others and to also make them feel at home the way God has made us. Will keep saying that no matter what we face and encounter in life, we should always show love and let our candle shine through...thanks @humanearl
I love the part where you said that no matter what we go through we should still show love. That's really a difficult thing to do, and takes a strong love to do. The love of this world can't be able to do that. Only the love of God is strong enough to do that. If that love could conquer the sins of the whole world, then tell me what that love can't do. God is gracious
Yes that is why I prefer God's love because the world's love is very fickle.
John 10 vs 18
No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father."
Love is a choice to put others above yourself. Jesus chose to give his life for us. He was not forced, he had the power to lay down his life or pick it up. It was more than a feeling, if He walked by what he felt, he would have changed his mind in the garden of Gethsemane. But he chose to die, even when he felt like not wanting to.
Let us all learn from our master Jesus Christ, and choose to love the way God loves.
He is the greatest example of love and sacrifice. I can't even imagine what it must have felt like before He gave his life.
Love conquers all!
The love of Jesus changes men's life.
And when you encounter God's love you realize that it is the most powerful.
Very well said @humanearl. Praying that people will come to know Jesus Christ. Its my desire that i could witness again to people. AND i do hope that this platform could be of use.
I agree to the fact that love conquers all. By "love" I'm going to define it as a genuine desire to put someone else's good above your's, to achieve what is best for them. This is the same love God showed us when He sacrificed His son for us. He wanted His Son to remain in heaven, but He wanted our good more than His desires, and then sacrificed Him for us. By ''conquering all" I'm going to define it as two people working together to bring about the good of each other, irrespective of the conditions they find themselves.
I'd say that if both people are truly in love with each other as we have described, then love will surely conquer everything.
I have tried a lot of times to put myself in God's shoes. To sacrifice your son for people who love you is on a level. To sacrifice you son for people who don't know about what you are doing is on another level. But to sacrifice your son for people who are your enemies is on the highest level. That's the greatest kind of love ever, and that's what God did for us. He sacrificed His son for us while we were yet sinners. That brings tears to me eye, making me wonder why people would chose not to accept this sacrifice and love this loving God.
When God says He is the definition of love, this act of His gives Him the right.
I can't even imagine the pain God felt when sending His Son to be sacrificed. It pleased God however to crush Him on our behalf.
I always answer NO to 'love conquers all.' Here is why: There can be many reasons why a couple who love each other deeply simply can't be together. Maybe 1 of them has an addiction that they can't break. Maybe their religious beliefs are too different. Maybe 1 of them absolutely wants children & the other absolutely doesn't. Maybe they are from different countries & one can't adjust to such a different culture. Sometimes a couple has future goals that are just not the same & no matter how much they love each other they can't make it work. Now, I will say sometimes there is room for compromise, but to say "love conquers all" as a blanket statement I don't believe.
The love of this world is temporal, it's selfish, it's all about what you can get, and never about what you can give. It is this love that can't conquer all. God's love can conquer all thingsYou are correct. Love does not conquer all things, but it's dependent in the kind of love. Like @humanearl has said, God's love conquers all thing. Not even death could stop God's love.
Well it does depend on which love we are talking about. The world's love is powerless to conquer all. However I was referring to God's love which is infinitely powerful and perfect. We are fallen humans so we don't always love the way God would have us to. So yes we fail in trying to love for different reasons.
I would say that the world's love is not perfect at all. So yes you are very correct in that it will not work in that case.
I believe Love is in levels. The more you know a person, the more you can love the person. If for instance, you meet a stranger for the first time, you are most likely going to be neutral towards him. But if you get a call from your mum saying that person is your cousin, you immediately feel an attraction towards the person. This shows that love is dependent on relationship.
Having said this, on the issue of love conquering all, it depends on what “all” has up their sleeve on any given day. Love is dependent on the two people involved in the relationship.
So depending on how much they love themselves, sometimes love wins. Sometimes 'All' does. So the answer is under the right circumstances.
God's love is more powerful than anything it comes against. Whether it be hatred, or sickness, or even death, God's love is above.
From Romans 8 vs 35-39, we can see that nothing can separate us from the love of God, not even death, angels, demons, this life or the life to come. That's the power of God's love!!!You have a good point here @chuksdozie2004, but please I must say something here. I think what determines whether love conquers or not is not the gravity of what is to be conquered, but the kind of love involved. When God sent his son to die for us, the gravity of what was to be conquered was THE SINS OF THE WHOLE WORLD, but yet God's love conquered it. If God's love conquered the sins of the whole world, then tell me what that love can't conquer.
Yea I agree that there are degrees to love. Like John 3:16. He loved the world that much which is beyond words to describe when you look at that verse.
Also Scripture says that God is love. Meaning God=Love. Now I'm talking the love that is of God. That love is indeed the greatest thing ever. But then I do agree that the world's version of love CAN be conquered since it is of the world and doesn't have all power. Hope that makes sense.
Love is definitely one of the most powerful feelings on the planet. Thanks to the feeling of love, great deeds were accomplished, but also silly things. A person who truly loves (his own business or another person) can not be stopped. She is a great source of inspiration.
Earl, people constantly ask themselves this question "Why does he do it?" . But not all of them know the answer to it.
Thank you
It's so true that great deeds have been achieved because of love. In fact the greatest deed in the world was which was the death and resurrection of Jesus was achieved because of love. I believe love is the strongest thing that ever existed, it's what makes the world go round.
I really hope people understand why I do what I do. This is not a game or popularity contest for me. It's because I know that people need love. Perfect love and powerful love. So I just share that in hopes that people will see my light and know that God gives me the power and heart to do what I do. I am nothing without him. Thanks man for understanding.
So true. I agree to the truth that love is what keeps the world functional. Love is a language that is understood by all men. love is a language that deaf people can hear. When you show love to a deaf man, he understands you perfectly. You don't need to speak to show live. Blind people can see love. You don't need to show physical gestures to pass the message of love. Every living things can feel love, irrespective of their circumstance. Let us show love today to all those around us.
Wow. That really made me think about the depth of love. It is universal and understood by all men. Thanks for the great words and encouraging us to love others around us.
Its great to read these things and remind ourselves of the One who truly loves us. No other man can love us the way He does. When you experience God's love, you understand why you must love all men whether good or bad because God doesn't love because you are good or bad, He just loves you because it is in His nature and He is love himself. Let love lead
He is the definition of love. True love. Thanks for stopping by
God means love. I can feel you bro
Word @bronkong
Funny thig about this post: my brother finaly made a steemit account, yesterday he told me his account was activated...guess what his account name is? ^^
Is his name bronkong2?
Haha its my brother, why should he pick my account name? His name is @godmeanslove, thats why i thought its funny ;)
Yes as it seems we do should believe in our self.And nevertheless love is indeed a great powerful force that has a great power to use in a good or bad way .Hope everyone gets to use it in a good way !
Yes buddy "Love Conquers all "
Hopefully we use it in a good way. True. We see what happens when we don't. It doesn't end well.
I don't think love conquers all. I believe the definition of love is what determines whether love conquers all or not. If we go by your definition of love, then love conquers all, but if we go by the worlds definition of as strong attraction toward another person, then this love can't conquer all.
Strong attraction is a very important factor in whether a relationship works out, but there are way too many other factors that could overcome the power of attraction, such as different values and personality flaws, and cause the relationship to turn sour. I know someone who is/was strongly attracted to his girlfriend, but their relationship turned unhappy a long time ago, and it's only gotten worse since then. They've been together for several years, so there's a lot of attraction, but it is by no means a happy, healthy relationship. They've tried to resolve their problems, but their personal issues keep tearing them apart. It's really painful to watch.
So by that definition, no, strong attraction is not a guarantee of a happy and healthy relationship in the end.
This brings to mind the ordeal my aunt had with her husband. They were young and 'in love', but because they were not serious believers, they did not really have the love of God in them. This young attraction began to fade with time, and as I speak to you they are divorced. It breaks my heart when I remember this, knowing that if only they had the love of God in them, they probably would have been together today.
Giving your life to Christ has so many benefits, both in this world and in eternity.
You make a very good point. The world has it's definition of love but then there's God's definition. So yea you are correct. God's love conquers all but the world's love is powerless.
Yepp strong attraction to someone is not enough. God's love gives you the power to endure.
Yes! God loves everyone one of us. No matter what gender, race, sexuality we might be. He is the ultimate lover.
Good bless you @humanearl.
THE ultimate. So true.
Thanks @humanearl for this inspiring post to all of our steemians. The comments on here are absolutely wonderful too, full of thought.
Whatever you do, do it with love and good intent and it shall be returned to you in many ways.
Keep up the good work and the best of luck to each and everyone of you.
My favorite part about posting is the comments I get. Honestly. And your comment is much appreciated.
Thks for the inspirational post.. I think Im set for today.. And there is certainly noone who who wouldnt agree to what u said because its the raw truth. I like the way u relate ur posts to biblical terms.. Its an invaluable ability. And im glad I met u on steemit. Believe me! @humanearl
Same here bro. Glad we connected and thanks for understanding.
Your just so Inspirational @humanearl. I think your one of the best things that has happened to me since I joined steemit. Reading your posts alone gives me some kind of inner peace and I must say that I am glad I found you.
thanks for sharing this
It's good you have that inner peace because sometimes it can be hard to come by. Thanks for your words I am humbled.
Love ruled everything, everything can be done by love
The greatest example is God in John3:16 this is the heart of the bible,that because of He's great love that even He's only son was sacrifice for us just to show He's love
The greatest love for sure. That is a very moving verse.
I believe these three work together, Love, knowledge and pity. Love can only be expressed when knowledge is available, and pity motivates love to act based on knowledge gathered.
For example, when I know my neighbor is suffering, I have pity on him, and this enables me to act in love to alleviate him of his suffering.
Makes me really think. Those are very core to what it means to be human.
A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.
I think that good teachers are also good motivators as well. Lots of people would tell me in the past that I would make a good teacher.
Love makes everything beautiful, and easy. Love.
God is love. Find God, find love.
I love this equation of yours @chidiarua, God = Love, so if you are looking for Love, find God. The moment you find God, you'll get Love, the love that conquers all, not the fickle love of this world.
That is it, George. That is it.
Gotta find it. Our lives depend on it.
I am very motivated with your writing this, thanks for share your
Glad you took the time to read an comment. Thanks a bunch
The best thing that happened to mankind
Thanks for giving the chance to enjoy this beautiful news!!
No problem. I'm glad to do it and hope you were impacted in a positive way.
God's Love is powerful!
Yepp. Not just powerful. But ALL powerful.
That is right :)
really awsome writing sir @humanearl parsonaly i love it
my steem fast comment is here RESTEEM DONE !!!
beautiful post to Believe or not to believe awesome writing 😊
so beautiful post, thanks for good sharing
excellant writing for love really @humanearl thanks for post friend
LOVE IS really awsome if you feel it interesting post @humanearl