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It Will Crush You If You Let It
I am too familiar with worry and stress. Tons of people are. I remember what it was like worrying about things I couldn't control and letting my anxiety get the best of me. Eventually I got to a point where I had to make a decision to either rise up and defeat it or let it crush me. Simply choosing to rise from it was undoubtedly one of the best decisions I have made in my life. If you are dealing with anxiety right now, whether self inflicted or not, just know that it can be defeated. Of course it hard but nothing is impossible. My friend @valorforfreedom wrote a great article on dealing with anxiety and I want to share it with you. Also I've decided to tackle some of what he wrote in my video. Much love everybody!

Do you struggle with anxiety and if so how do you deal with it?

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In a real depression, the person starts moving more, no longer has a purpose, it neglects itself, no longer believes in anything and often has suicidal tendencies; It is therefore necessary to define an "anti-pain" strategy, according to the severity of the depression in order to allow the desired change to be made. We must first put the energy of the subject on the physiological level so that he can install in him a resolution of change in his way of life, otherwise it will not hold! To "start" this recovery energy massage is all right and especially the "massage of the Emperor" is a manual psychotherapy brief and very effective!
Unfortunately, many people experience stressful situations. It does not depend on your status or position in society, I think that many modern people are subject to stress. In my life there was a difficult period when I was experiencing serious stress. I had a panic attack for no reason. But I can confidently say that the only one who can really help you is you. That is, only you can change the situation. Find the source of stress and get rid of the problem. Here is the prescription. However, this is not so easy, but as long as we are alive, we must continue to struggle and improve our lives.
@humanearl, Actually wee need to fight against anxiety. If have Anxiety our life definitely our life gotta go to the hell. For me I leave from anxiety through mind meditation process.
Well you just have to be calm in those situations its what define you later
I every time try to win my loss mentally things. I were tired lot faced more problems during my life time. I got relaxation and forget my stress after read cool minded books.
Anxiety plays a role basically when there's no CERTAINTY.. So to control it, I either look for certainty or try to engage in a strenuous activity that will take my mind off the subject matter.
its really a great motivation
That is awesome!!
People that are thoughtful are susceptible to anxiety taking over.
Whao! Everything about the post is interesting. Love it
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