When Your Daughter Loves To Be Outside More Than You Do

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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Cloud Gazing 

Nature is the perfect stress reliever. It has amazing healing powers. This is why the destruction of it only aids in furthering the decline of our overall health. Recently it has been cold and dreary where I live and I decided not to take my daughter out in that weather. But today was a totally different story. We walked outside and immediately looked up and noticed the dopest artwork one could ever see. The sky looked like someone used CGI. The seemingly unreal was the realest thing ever. That's how amazing it was combined with the fact that I got to spend more time with my daughter. Our bond grows stronger by the day. 

As we were enjoying being outside and soaking all this up a lady drove by and asked if I was ok or if needed help. I simply told her I was just relaxing and spending time with my daughter. Later on I told my wife about this. She said maybe the lady was probably not used to seeing someone just sitting outside and relaxing like that just for the sake of it. Then I thought to myself that may have been the case. Either way I thanked that lady for just making sure I was ok. Stuff like this goes a long way.

My aim with this video is for you to slow down, relax, and try to share this experience with me as best as you can through a screen.

Notice the texture of the clouds. The colors. The sounds. This is the time to say "leave me alone and let me enjoy this". To be outside with nature is to recharge your spirit. It is one of our greatest gifts. It gives imagination and inspiration to artists everywhere. Get outside and BE. Much love and peace to everybody.

What is your favorite thing to do while in nature?

What is your favorite animal?

What is your favorite landscape (mine is desert mountains)?

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That’s great! This is one of the best things you can do with your kids from an early age, get them outside and active. Don’t let them fall into the trap of being on an iPad all day, or watching TV.

When we go on vacation it is almost always somewhere that involves hiking, skiing, or some sort of physical activity. Sure, the occasional all inclusive resort is nice for adults, but I try to avoid those at this point.

Being outside means being active, healthy, and it develops people skills.


I honestly can't remember the last time my daughter cried while being outside. She enjoys it all the time. I agree. The iPad life causes tons of inactivity. The past couple of day I made sure to decompress and do as little as computer work as possible.

Truly, nature is a place of comfort, a place of communion, a place of serenity. The effect of the wind on the skin, the sun shinning, 🌟 the birds flying around playfully, etc. The movement of the cloud makes me think of creation and say what a beautiful world God has created for us.

Whenever I have the opportunity, I spend time with nature. It's a place where great ideas are birthed, where strategies take good shape.

My favourite animal... I will say I love birds. I love the way the play around, the sounds they make and so on. I used to enjoy their songs when we worked on our farm years ago. When alone in the bush, the sounds of birds gives you an appearance of a companion.

I love green areas. I could sleep on grass overnight.
I love nature.

Very poetic. I can visualize it. I'm thankful for all the beauty in nature as well.

Wow the skies really look like someone used CGI on it...looks so artificial but that's nature for you . Always filled with surprises .

Most times I love coming out and interacting with nature through my mind especially in the mornings with the cool breeze and all. Reason why I prefer my village than these industilralized areas where all you hear is the sound of cars and generators and people shouting and all sorts of discomforting noises. But far away in my village, you get to see vegetation and tall trees, you get to enjoy the silence of The atmosphere and the gentle beckering of birds. You will as well be able to here the sound of the passing wind. It's just lovely.

My best animal is the dog....very friendly and loving animal.

My best landscape is either a vegetative land with tall trees or out beside the sea, perhaps on a cliff.

I'm from a rural city in Texas so it was alot less noisy than the bigger cities. I would love to visit the countrysides of your country.

Kids are pure till the government touches them.
Kids that are homeschooled and live in nature are by the way 3x smarter and are able to socialize better than children in school.

In school the indoctrination starts, obey obey obey, don't ask questions, conform, respect authority.

Besides that people in school actually do not mature. Most people mature in their 30 or 40's when they have been through some shit.

I've looked into homeschooling or worldschooling and we are very interested in going that direction.

You're spot on with the brainwashing. After being out of the school system for some years I couldn't agree more.

You would do your daughter a great favor by homeschooling her, she will become very smart (even if you are not a great teacher).

Children actually learn a lot by themselves. There is no better teacher than life, for that matter I recommend doing sports with your kids in nature, talking big about life and dreams.

Do the big talk with them that city dwellers would laugh about.

She will become very interested in art, sports, their ancestors history, philosophy and nature.

This guy here lives in nature and is very independent (uses solar panels for energy, grows and hunts food, etc & more).

He also homeschools is children.


I love nothing more than being amid nature, early morning walking on the grass with my bare feet, while breathing in the fresh air and the fragrant smell of the flowers and trees....In moments like these, I feel that I am walking hand in hand with God. These are my feelings inspired by nature and its creator.
I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station through which God speakes to us every hour, If we will only tune in.
Nothing is more calming than connecting with God through nature.
I like kittens in animals.
Landscape of North Pakistan Naran is my favorite.


Thanks for sharing your beautiful thoughts with us @humanearl.

Very vivid description. It makes me visualize God literally walking in nature.

Wow I just saw pictures of this area. It looks like a dream. I love mountains. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

In my country Pakistan, there are so many places like this that are really looks like a dream and truly describes the beauty of nature.
Thanks for your kind words.
I hope you visit my blog.

man don't understand the value of others when he/she will there,,,
he/she understand the value when there have not...
It will happen naturally...
In my research in my life and some others,i think that there have another option which is so better to create a relation bonds together..that is
when you stay together in your family and bear a good effort and as like as friend,other members are amazed by the behaviours...

@Resteem & @upvoted

family bond is very valuable.

yeah..you are right...
this couldn't measurable...

Your blogs always create a FUD in me sometimes,because certain things cannot be compare with each other's.
To me nature is one I cannot compare any of the nature's delight with other,I mean for example I enjoy rain alot but on the other hand I like the sunshine also.
I think nature offers different delights in different wheather.all aspects of nature pampers me.
But most important thing is A good company of your loved one with you always make your life experiences filled with joy and delight.

There's so many different aspects of nature to enjoy. I only talked about the ones that interested me in the video.

Yeah, you are right, nature has amazing healing power and it's necessary to charge spirit with energy and freshness. When you are out there in open sky with your lovely daughter what can a man ask for more. Family is really blessing and daughters are angels from heaven. Good to see your bond is getting stronger with every passing day.

I love to be in mountains which are mostly intact from human interference and rich in lush green valleys and fresh gushing streams with force and energy. I like to sit by the stream and see the natural beauty with calm and serene mind.

My favorite animal is cheetah due to its majestic outlook and amazing speed. It's so impressive to see while running at awful speed. Thank you.

Cheetahs are ridiculously fast. Amazing animals.

Also i love mountains because they look so powerful but yet graceful.

view of the beach, say is the favorite
the beaches provide peace for me, when I am hard I often to the beach to eliminate distress me, because with the sound waves make me quiet and spacious with views of ...
a nice photo and with the perfect catch.

upvoted received reply have shared @humanearl

My wife also loves the beach like you. It's also fun to fall asleep to the sound of the waves. It's relaxing.

Never been to the beach before though but hoping to go someday . Just that I don't think I can compare the beach we have here in Nigeria with that over there...anyways beach is beach #smiles

Wow, it's seems a quite relaxing and suny day with your daughter. You are right, sometimes we need to slow down, relax. Being outside with nature definitely recharge your spirit. My favourite landscape is beach. Love to feel wind and listen the waves with my children. Love earthing (walk with bare foot :)
My favourite animal is 🐈 cat. :)
"You will always be lucky if you know how to make friends with strange cats"

My friend also has a cat as a pet. They do their own thing.

Your post inspired me to spend a little time in nature before taking my Mom to her doctor’s appointment. Here is a photo of some tree roots at the edge of the Charles River in Watertown. I love how the tree roots are entwined. What some may see as a tangled mess, I view as one of nature’s amazing sculptures. Thanks for the inspiration!

Fractal design. Love it! Even just taking a bit of time does the mind and body good.

I love being at the shore and rice field at our farm. All i want to do is to sit down to feel and inhale the fresh air what natures brings and relaxed my mind. I loved nature so much❤️❤️

Bonding with your cute little angel was one of parents treasure. And maybe this lady your telling maybe bothered because she's not used to see daddy's baby sitting on their kids and there's no big deal about that😊

Sometimes when she cries I just take her outside and she just stops. It's like magic. She loves it out there.

Because kids loves going out, they want to explore and see things outside.

I must be a big kid then because I feel the same way.

Hahaha!!! That was different of course😆😆But if you wish then be it❤️

First and most important, your daughter is beautiful, and there's nothing more effective to turn a little girl into a strong woman, than a strong, supportive and loving father, which you obviously are.

sitting and enjoying nature with his daughter, others' perception is that something must be wrong.I think your wife was spot on with this one! My friend, @themanwithnoname was commenting on a post I wrote today about how so many people don't 'live consciously' and therefore are not aware or appreciative of the beauty surrounding them. He told me to check your post out because it seemed to be 'proof' of what I was trying to say. It was nice of the lady to check on you two, but so sad that when someone is simply


@lynncoyle. Ah you again! Glad to hear from you. I know the lady was just being helpful but in our modern world it seems like an anomaly to just sit outside and enjoy nature.

And thanks for the kind words

What is your favorite thing to do while in nature?

in nature I like her huge variety. It can be dangerous and attractive. But it can also be beautiful and serene. As I wrote before: you can endlessly look at 3 things - how the water flows, how the fire burns and how the ATM gives you money. Joke. Nature heals your mind. You can relax and have fun while you are out in the fresh air.

What is your favorite animal?

I can name one of my favorite animals. It's a honey badger. It's a small animal that is devoid of fear. He is very purposeful and shows wonders of wit. There were many interesting cases when he fiercely fought with opponents who are much bigger and stronger than him. This is a fearless animal.

What is your favorite landscape (mine is desert mountains)?

My favorite landscape is when the mountains and the sea meet. I like to see the majestic mountains and boundless sea spaces.

I've only seen the honey badger in pictures. I've heard they are pretty tough animals.

I love mountains but I'm not the biggest fan of the sea.

My latest post is perfect here man. Check it out :)

My favorite thing to do while in nature is to just look at it. Breathe and appreciate those things. Keeping us alive and peaceful.

My favorite animal is a dog. Man's bestfriend. I got when I was a little but he died and I am so much hesitant to care a new one. The heartbreak :(

My favorite landscape is a sea beside the mountain underneath a clear blue sky. All elements in one. Haha

Man I haven't had a dog in years. I would love to get one someday though.

Yes man. It throws away all your stress. I am planning to adopt one day. Maybe when I finish school.

Nice bro @humanearl , In some people here in Philippines, every cloud formation have its different meaning or representation. I love watching clouds ,especially when I video it with the use of timelapse, because it gives us relaxation and sometimes relieve stress 😁😇

Timelapse is so cool. Especially when you watch the clouds move.

It makes us free from stress 😀 and also a exact time to talk with our God Father 😇

I just love observing nature and relax enjoying the elements. I remember when i was fishing with my uncle as a child, in the polish moutains. I loved it and the landscapes are so beautifull there.

Ah. I love the mountains too. How far is the border of Poland from Berlin?

The border of poland is just about 1 hour / 100km far but in the Mountains its about 700km.

Wow the sky today does seems pretty amazing buddy !Like you said it does indeed looks like someone did some CGI !Above of that father & daughter bond seems to be getting more & more stronger everyday !
Have a safe day ahead buddy !

Sometime it feels that something cannot look that beautiful but the reality is that it does. It's a blessing just to see it.

Well yes buddy ,we are lucky in that case !

Thanks for the chance to slow down and relax, Earl.
My favorite thing to do is swim in nature. Especially if I can do it at a waterfall or a lake that I've hiked in to. That used to be one of the things I did a lot. Haven't spent at much time in nature recently, but I'd like to get myself to a place where I can get back there.

My wife loves swimming. It's not my thing. Let me just put my feet in the water and I'm good haha.

That's funny, my wife and I are the opposite, I like to swim and she likes to be on the shore. She'll put her feet in, but it's got to be really warm for her to go in all the way. There have been numerous times in life that I was the only one in the water, and I had a great time. I went swimming at Cinque Terre, Italy and only one other person followed me into the water. I felt bad for all the other people because it was delightful lying on my back in the cool water looking up at the town and the hillside. Good times.

I like waterfalls.

Where are some of your favorite waterfalls located?

There's 3 in Tenesee I like. I like Niagra although I haven't seen it in person. I like Tahquamenon Falls and I guess Yellowstone has some nice waterfalls. Victoria falls is nice. I pretty much like all waterfalls but I really like the ones you can go in and are clean.

@humanearl ,You are right that nature is perfect stress reliever because nature gives you peace of mind and freshness . If you are walking with your family then nature will be amazing healing power and there will be no end of your enjoyment

You shared a very nice experience.

Stay blessed

The stress just melts when you spend time in nature. Thanks for stopping by.

Yeaaaaa...it sure does. The peaceful atmosphere and all just does the magic.

I agree with you bro. Sometimes when i feel that life is going boring, then i plan a picnic with my friends. We go out and enjoy whole day. Its a great fun to be with them at a place where we can also enjoy the beauty of nature. Thanks.

That sounds relaxing. Just looking at nature relaxes you.

you are correct, natural, soothing load is where we fucked, I also go to enjoy nature so that my mind calm,
It has natural attraction and the most comfortable is when enjoying the breeze waft the ears.

Thanks for your video @humanearl

Nature is therapy.

Nature. I was tired and bored sometimes with my busy working. I decided to mixed to nature that time. It has much power for anything. If talked anyone with me, nature title I wanna ready to meditate. It expand my heard soul. It has hold my breath. Nice Dtube uploaded there. I'm interesting your video watching. Feel cool wind's rhythm to my heart.@humanearl, Exactly better title discussion. Nice you decided discuss my best part of

To be outside with nature is to recharge your spirit. It is one of our greatest gifts. It gives imagination and inspiration to artists everywhere.

The most inspiration content indeed. Actually I agreed above as you said. If we can engage with nature sure, it gives us 100% return benefits.
My favorite thing to do while in nature definitely, meditation part. I use breath control meditation method across nature. My favorite animals are lot. But Mainly like deer. He's very innocent animal forever. Also I like climbing mountains, swim on the sea, walk national parks, like to see best landscaping places.

If you can take just even 5 minutes out of your schedule to get outside then it has amazing benefits. Go for it!

I know this is kind of looked down, but I would love it if people could come by my channel to check out my content (recently made a fortnite montage that I'm proud of, despite it being extremely amateur); fair bit of gaming videos! It would mean the world to me for my channel to expand even just a bit on dtube! Have a great day guys :)

Keep being involved in the comment section. I have no issues checking out people's posts just wanted to drop that tip to you. thanks.

I love walking with my daughter, when she isn't napping she's checking out trees and the sky and everything. It's all amazing and new to her and gives me a better appreciation for it all. My dog was the first to get me started hiking and walking, now I love it

Cool. Babies are very curious so being outside with them helps to make sense of things better.

The favorite thing I do is farm rice, because rice farmers are producers for everyone, and are very beneficial to everyone ..
Animals who love is a cat, because the cat is a beautiful animal and clean even I often joke with the cat ..
By the way, is that your daughter? Very cute and pretty ..

Yes it's my daughter. Thanks.

The wonder of nature. Nature filled with tranquility and have a way of communicating with our soul ans that what you are experiencing @humanearl, that what that lady could not fathom

Peace, peace, and more peace. This is what I love about it.

even i would not say much nature is just to relax there and forget about everything and be there for that moment such a relaxing feeling

Right. Just BE in the moment and enjoy it.

it is a great post.
thank you .

Nice photo and fantastic place

Nice Photo