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The more advanced societies become, the more information we are being bombarded with. To put it plainly it's a major overload. There are waaayyy too many things to think about now due to that. One thing I think can help with a lot of the info overload is just getting into to nature and relaxing. It helps to slow the mind down and enjoy the complex but yet simplicity of nature. I really miss living in the country because there life is much slower and less is going on. If you responded to "We Got Enough Information, Now We Need Nature" then hats off to you. Thanks for watching or reading and here is my response to you.
Don't get me wrong I don't hate living in cities. I just think cities can be better constructed to take a load off the human mind. What do you think about this? Well...there's my take. Peace to you.

Can nature help with info overload?

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@humanearl, I already told you that, the nature given fully opportunities for go ahead my life. If peoples don't some wrong task to nature, she given massive rewards to us. I love nature and I stay with her if I have free time.
The sunlight triggers the brain to release serotonin, which improves your mood.
That's what it is. Do you know what makes you so tired after being in the sunlight for a while?
The increase in your body temperature from the sun makes you feel tired. Also, some people start to dehydrate which can make you tired. You can read more about the sunlight making you tired https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-does-being-in-the-heat-make-us-feel-tired/.
well we need to diversify more and more we are now captured in buildings and don't want to live that forever
This is exactly why I try to be active and get outside.
@Humanearl, We must need Nature. That is basic thing.Without nature can't continue the life.For removing the stress,angry, lazy,....... etc, for that most support can get from nature.
@humanearl - Sir I hate to live in cities... Once I did, it made me huge stress... Cities are for machines... This is what I strongly believe Sir...
Cities are cool but yea I agree they are generally much more stressful. I like living in cities that promote a healthy, active and outdoors lifestyle.
@humanearl I think the word you were looking for is "breathtaking". The fresh air, sights and sounds are awe inspiring. It is even better when you share it with people you love/care about. The "codes" in nature that you speak about are manipulated by mankind all the time and it keeps getting worse. I don't mean like creating fruit/plant hybrids. When I say worse I mean like animal cloning and such. Do we really know what scientists are doing behind closed doors? Honestly I don't want to know. I prefer to keep everything the way God has intended it to be. Just because we can alter nature, it doesn't mean that we should. Great post as always my friend.
Man it's getting much worse with manipulating creation . We are playing God essentially. Our role on Earth is to be caretakers of what we have not code changers lol. I like that last point you made about we can alter nature but that doesn't mean we should. It makes me think of the verse that says all things are permissible but not all things are beneficial.
nice post......