Awesome sketches. The descriptive stories accompanying them are just as good if not better.
And the video is awesome too!
Just one question for now:
Which is it:
sen·sor [ˈ/sensər/] noun: a device [or person] that detects or measures a physical property and records, indicates, or otherwise responds
cen·sor [ˈsensər/] verb :examine (a book, movie, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it. "my mail was being censored" synonyms: cut, delete parts of, make cuts in, blue-pencil, redact;
HAHAHAHA! You caught me! :) It's censor. Damn it! Gotta fix it now ;) Thanks, @hrissm. I told you I need help with the writing.
I'm glad you like the art!
the interesting thing is. that what you do is highly sensory. by your use of your senses and by evoking reactions of other people's senses. so perhaps it was a Freudian slip, as they say. or just a coincidence that could have worked with either homonym that you finally use(d).