Have you notice how People tend to live their life acting out roles that are obvious to everyone around them but themselves?
the keyshedding these artificial layers so we can take these mask off and live authenticallydropping these roles is a must for our Process.
but first,
What is this idea of "Roles" we play?
in the abstract a role is a Costume, a Character that you picked up maybe on your childhood or teenage years, a contrivance you have embodiedresponse to the circumstances we found ourselves in the early stages of our lives.
toxic past is more difficult to separate the "roles" from your true "Treats" since for us these roles were adopted early in life compared to those with healthy Childhoods to which these roles were adopted later in life. of #PersonalDevelopment work is to our #motivations and #Values , this means that so deeply you are confusing it with your #Authentic-self, these roles are a
#psycology and #RoleTheory tell us that for those with a
Imagine seeing the narrative of your life from an aliens perspective 👽, can you foresee what your own contrivances are?
if you do try to answer yourself, What function is it serving?
how would your life look like if you let it go?
Can you foresee what roles you might have adopted on your life?
#ThePerfectionist #TheRebel #TheAlpha #TheVictim #TheNerd #TheClown #TheBadass
if you resonate with any of these questions please leave a comment and Follow for more content
Well be discussing this idea on Episode #2 of Alienados this Sunday 10/21
Stay tuned on AlienadosPodcast:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAdSC9xF0UuGFF7YYhI12ng
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