Begin all thing first by using "The All"
Percept101- Air
Listen to Reason! Many will and do shy way from their inner structuring with-in because of surface anarchy. Due to that many are just letting them selves go, as "they say". The instructions of nature are simply "simple". It is only complex when introduce to alien or virus programming each time conditions are the same. A great master of positive dogmas that are only but half truths if really deciphered and look at with the Soul's eye and not the spirit eye (Third eye). Many will choose to continue to only see the glass half full! Is this the result of the hard work?
Us Pitchnovians are to have our cup runneth over with luminosity of the mind and the application there of! We are to mind our mind for the jewels of our soul! Now here resides the legacy of one's soul's. The civilization one has cultivated with in their inter-galactic and omni-being and existence(s). Make your jewels become your tools! As reason speak "use the tool or loose the tool". Period! As we all are elements made up of all elements.
In Nature nothing rest it is always time to revolve, and reflect in, and on the now, and let those chasing extinction evolve! Like a intoxicate purified and flush out by a solvent. Now envision the building of a New Holy Temple, a whole or complete template or structure that which you are! So are you ready to build and guild? Build with me don't compete with me. "Don't compete with me, help us be complete with me"!
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H.I.M Dr. Shamu-El
Duly honored