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RE: Why Being Transgender Shouldnt Be Accepted

in #life8 years ago

You are obviously misinformed and ignorant regarding some of the human psychological pains and sorrows. You are lucky to be confident and comfortable in your skin and being born this way. Some people do not have that chance, and the living proof is to see such young kids wanting (and feeling) to be the other sex. Letting them go through this massive change is controversial, but shouldn't we try to understand this phenomena instead of denigrating it?
Shouldn't we embrace differences and tolerance instead of judging lives we don't know nothing about?
I truly believe so.
Vivre et laissez vivre!


I wouldnt say im ignorant, I think ignorant would be letting the ideology spread throughout the population. Everyone is free to their opinion. People should be able to express their feelings towards extreme lifestyles whether negative or positive. We cannot accept all forms of living. At one point being to passive will lead a civilization to desolation.

The guy who you chose as an avatar seems to disagree.

"Love your neighbour as you would love yourself" rings a significant bell.

Or "remove the log from your own eye before you remove the splinter from your neighbour's" aka - check your own blind side before you go after what you see as a flaw in someone else.

And look up Matthew 19:12 sometime. It actually states that people should accept people as they are. Which includes trans folks.

Heck, the entirety of the new testament is all about being passive in order for civilisation to prosper. The Meek shall Inherit and all that?

I think your problem is that you are afraid of something that's not going to happen. Perhaps you're scared that some member of your gender will treat you as you tend to treat members of the opposite gender? Perhaps you don't want to find out that your best buddy is actually a trans man who's been terrified to tell you, and then you don't know how you should treat him thereafter? [Hint: it's the same as always.]

I, personally, believe that all the concern is ludicrous. Genetalia is 0.0013% of the total human body mass, and is therefore statistically insignificant. Everything else is presentation and attitude.

I didnt hurt anybody by writing this article have I? And dont pretend you know more about the Holy Text I preach. Do you know our is society & media is actually trying to make people transgender? You think it is Holy when a boy dresses like a girl and master-baits in class? Do you know sex in the bible is only just when used for conception? You can go to church every sunday but God wont give you his wisdom unless you listen.

Everyone is free to their opinion and expressing it, I totally agree.
We have very different perspectives and your text triggers a sentiment of strong disapproval in me and I had to share. I believe that every human should be whatever he wants to be in this life. His life.
(except if you're an asshole, don't be an asshole.)
Anyways, keep on the writing. Au revoir