Case study : Ergonomic assessment of a short-term memory Impairment

in #life7 years ago


Ergonomics and design of workstations represent a vital element in any working environment. Incumbent professionals must make sure that potential physical or cognitive alterations that any individual may suffer on a daily laboring routine are rapidly taken care of in terms of on-site adaptation and sustainment of productivity. The human body and its working potential are vulnerable to many factors and hazards, this causes ergonomics to be an indispensable discipline in any organization that looks forward to maintain and increase its productivity.  In this report we will be analyzing a particular case where a thorough evaluation and potential adjustment must be done regarding the working routine and environment of a software engineer named Ashley. Ashley was hired 4 years ago and has been an excellent professional but she unfortunately suffered a head injury playing on the company’s softball team and it reduced her short term memory. This condition may modify the way she is used to perform her job but it doesn’t mean that her productivity is destined to be lower; this particular analysis and report is directed to precisely avoid any productiveness reduction by adapting her working conditions to this new physical circumstance.                  

Range of Capabilities

 Short-term memory (STM) is referred by psychologists as a temporary store (or buffer) in which small amounts of information are briefly retained while a particular mental or physical operation is carried out. STM storage limitations can cause mistakes, for example, forgetting relevant data before it can be saved in the long-term memory (LTM) or used in decision making or acted on during a sequence of operations(Bridger,2009,p.461). There is a tendency to focus on the fragility of STM, as it intuitively seems. Although it may be a handicap in some situations, it is probably advantageous in daily life if we look at it from its potential “benefits”. We often notice things going on around us and act upon them with little thought; what categorizes STM as ‘‘fragile’’ and of ‘‘limited capacity’’ is that redundant or nonessential items which find themselves in STM are soon gone when we stop thinking about them, leaving us free to concentrate on the task at hand. In a sense, we might say that instead of being ‘‘fragile’’ STM has an automatic delete facility. (Bridger, 2009, p.462) These potential advantages and discommodities caused by reduced STM storage will define our range of capabilities once we understand the mental context of the labors that are usually done by a software engineer. Tasks that involve parallel mental calculations or are the ones that we are trying to avoid the most since STM limitations will prove to be a serious disadvantage for this case. On the other hand, tasks that are limited to a single primary objective and don’t depend on secondary functions would be ideal in this case since STM limitations could inclusively increase Ashley’s concentration on the job.           The Range of Capabilities as a software engineer with STM limitations will be given by à · Write programs in a variety of computer languages, such as C++ and Java. · Debug programs by testing for and fixing errors. · Analysis of information to determine, recommend and plan installation of a new system or modification of an existing system. · Update and expand existing programs. · Develop and direct software system testing and validation procedures. · Direct software programming and development of documentation. · Coordinate installation of software systems. · Prepare reports and correspondence concerning project specifications, activities and status. · Specify power supply requirements and configuration. · Evaluate factors such as reporting formats required, cost constraints, and need for security restrictions to determine hardware configuration. · Recommend purchase of equipment to control dust, temperature, and humidity in area of system installation. · Build and use computer-assisted software engineering (CASE) tools to automate the writing of a programming code. · Use code libraries, which are collections of independent lines of code, to simplify the writing. · Design and develop software systems, using scientific analysis and mathematical models to predict and measure outcome and consequences of design.     


1. What are the main assignments and segments of the job? 

2. Is there high mental workload?  

3. Does the operator have a high level of responsibility?

 4. Does the operator work alone or with others? 

5. Is the work adapted to the needs of older workers in terms of physical or mental demands?

 6. Is the mental workload too low, too high, or about right? 

 7. Is the task carried out at a predominantly skill-based, rule based, or knowledge-based level? 

8. Does the task place high demands on the perceptual or attentional systems or on short- or long-term memory? 

 9. How must information be processed before a response can be made? 

10. Are temperature, noise, lighting, and vibration within recommended limits? 

11. Are there sudden loud noises? 

12. Are the colors and reflectances of objects in the environment appropriate for the work? 

13. Are the relative humidity and ventilation satisfactory?

 14. Does the user have sufficient resources to do the work? 

15. Is the employee’s work role clear and unambiguous?  

16. Are performance standards clear and unambiguous? 

17. Has the work been planned from the beginning with the operator in mind? 

18. Can mental workload be reduced using external memory aids, predictor displays decision support systems, navigation aids, etc.?  

19. Does the operator have to carry out more than one task at a time and are the task modalities compatible?  

20. Are the sequences of mental operations compatible with the physical layout? 

 21. Is the representation of the system compatible with the operator’s representation?  

22. Does information from different channels/modalities have to be integrated?  

23. Are great demands made on visual search, can cueing be used to reduce these?  

24. Is proper feedback provided in accordance with task demands?  

25. Can controls, displays, and task demands be recognized easily and is proper support provided? 

26.  Does the task require a high level of individual judgment, can decision support be provided?  

27. Are memory aids hard-wired into the design of the hardware, software, and work organization?

 28. Is the rate of information flow too high or too low?

 29. Are human–computer dialogues user-friendly? 

30. Does the operator have to monitor several channels simultaneously? 

31. Are verbal instructions/displays in the correct language and easily comprehensible?

 32. Are colors used in an appropriate way?  

33. Are coding systems compatible with human memory limitations?  

34. Do the task demands form a predictable pattern of stimuli and responses? 

35. Does the system provide timely feedback or other indications of response adequacy? 

36. How many sources of information does the operator use to work?  

37. Are data readily available, in the right form and unambiguous? (Bridger,2009,p.21-25)           


   Recommendations for possible accommodation 

If the requirements of the established task are vulnerable to STM limitations we must consider the following recommendations in order to adapt it to Ashley’s condition.  -If any constant mental calculation or arithmetic is an essential element to the job  we could incorporate a proper-sized whiteboard, memo pad or calculator in order  assure the attainment of relevant data. -We must make sure that Ashley’s labor won’t be bothered by nearby noises, sounds or conversations generated by co-workers. Noise-cancelling headphones or a relatively isolated working place could solve this issue. -The guideline and normal routine for the job shouldn’t consist of potential unexpected events or overload of new information because it would misdirect Ashley to attention loss and a consequent decrease of productivity. -Allowing Ashley to concentrate on a primary task and objective and avoiding to assign her any secondary task (like answering the phone or giving advice in a particular matter) would prove key in her potential productivity. -STM limitations can be advantageous in a case where a particularly difficult task that consists of homogenous reasoning and developing must be done. Assigning this job to Ashley could prove really useful since STM complications often imply disregard of nonessential items to the ongoing duty and a consequent increase in productivity.       


 Ashley is an excellent software engineer that unfortunately suffered from a head injury that compromised her Short-Term Memory (STM). Ergonomics and work design is required to adapt Ashley’s new circumstances to the workplace so she can maintain or even increase her productivity. STM limitations imply inability to perform primary and secondary tasks at the same time but can prove advantageous by increasing the concentration for a primary objective. Through an analysis involving ergonomic tools like checklists, potential range of capabilities and recommendations for accommodation we can properly adjust the working environment and routine to her new condition.   


  1. Bridger, R.S. (2009). Introduction to Ergonomics. Third Edition .Boca Raton, FL: CRC      Press, Taylor and Francis Group.