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RE: Expecting the best!

in #life6 years ago

Even if… it takes some time and effort on your part.

I can see you winking at this :)
More than expecting the best, I think you suggest working towards making the best happen.

Positive thinking is probably the key turning inside the ignition switch. Turning the car on is not enough to go places. Actions must follow and I know how paralyzing it can be to think about all the bad things that can happen if we move that car (we can run over people or animals, we can crash light post or run head into other cars, the car can break, we may get a ticket or two, and list goes on and on, becoming more absurd as we proceed).

On the other hand, we can just run our errand, get things done, and be back on time for dinner.
But of course, it does not always happen like that.

I think that more than thinking positively, what is difficult to overcome are the causes of our thinking negatively/paralysis.


I like how you said, "working towards making the best happen!"
And when you want a parking close to the supermarket at the Mall... if you think positive... most times you get a close parking.
It's like sending vibe messages over the ether of the air... Walla, there is the parking, just for you!!! How cool can that be!

Hahaha. Yes, That's a cool thing.