This is fun stuff, although important to remember that you can't avoid paying taxes with an argument like this. You'd have to either declare war against the US government (good luck), or just accept that you'll have to pay taxes to them even if you disagree with the foreign policies to an extreme degree.
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Thanks, @heymattsokol
I see the point you're making, but I personally can't participate in a war crime, even if the perpetrators of that crime threaten me unless I fund their holocaust.
It's clearly illegal (based on current law) to pay tax because it funds terrorism. Anti-terrorism law is extensive in making this clear.
But I acknowledge that the law is merely words, and any sufficiently aggressive terrorist state will just do as it likes with me.
American citizens stopped paying taxes once before and it seemed to change things. Why not again? :)
I'd like to think I've got some ballz but that sound a terrifying.... fun idea though