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RE: Randomness Teaches You To Be A Better Person

in #life8 years ago

Randomness is one of the big misunderstood things in life, there are ways to make it work for you or against you.

For example: Many people try to eliminate randomness. They look for steady solutions to lifelong problems: Marriage, long-term job, owning a house, stuff like that. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Others choose to embrace randomness... the freelancers, entrepreneurs, and hustlers of life, who take lots of risks and accept that lots of their ideas will, but try to find the right quality/quantity balance to have the best chance of inviting good luck into their lives. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

I found playing lots of poker and studying that game when I was young to be a very useful way to learn more about statistics and randomness.


For example: Many people try to eliminate randomness. They look for steady solutions to lifelong problems: Marriage, long-term job, owning a house, stuff like that. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

actually from the rates of divorce and unemployment it shows that it often does not and rarely does work :)

I found playing lots of poker and studying that game when I was young to be a very useful way to learn more about statistics and randomness.

i think with poker you learn much more about human behavior.