There are so many people out there suffering from depression, anxiety, insecurity and other mental issues. Even others in different relationships suffering abuse and really hurting inside but they choose to keep it to themselves and refuse to say anything. So, you see a person very much alive in front of you but deep down they are gradually dying. It does not have to be so. If only people will communicate what they feel, so many lives will be much better. You will never be able to get the help you need if you just suck it in and keep everything to yourself.
We only end up hurting ourselves even more trying to conceal the pain and what we feel. Trying to bear it all alone when there are people around you to support you and get you the help you need. Another group of people are those who just go on hating others for something they did and the guilty party has no idea you where hurt by what they did. So, you have a person going about happy and smiling at you thinking everything is good between you two and you smile back at him or her but deep down you are holding grudges against them. Why not just tell them how you feel and liberate yourself of the prison of hate and unforgiveness you have put yourself in?

I bet you most of these people are more than willing to apologize for unknowingly and unintentionally hurting you by their words or actions and you part ways everyone happy and cool. But how can this happen when you will not say something? I was so shocked and really sad the other day when someone close to me told me another person in our circle was pissed at something I jokingly said. And I was like it was an innocent joke but I get the fact that some people can be really sensitive to some things. My only concern was why she didn't say anything, knowing I would not purposely say anything to spike her?
Now, I am thinking of ways to make things right with her. I wished I knew this and would have apologized already. But she said nothing. That was just an example of some minor things we let ruin our happiness and joy because we keep things to ourselves and say nothing. I personally really like people who say things the way they are. Communicate how they feel and if they aren't happy, they say it and you work things out right there. I believe this kind of people will always be happy and have good relationships with other people as compared to people who just keep everything to themselves and say nothing.
Well, I guess that's just how some people are and we will have to accept that. I must say it is hard to relate with such people. You never know if they are truly happy with you or not. You never know if things between you are good or not. It is really hard and that takes extra work to pay close attention their behaviour towards you to sense any tension between you two. I still think it will be way easier and less complicated if people will just SAY SOMETHING.
Yay! 🤗
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