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RE: UK Murder +27% In 2017; Govt Determined To Ruin What's Left By Embracing Islam

in #life6 years ago

If you look at history Christians started the Jihad, not Islam! Sounds like Islamaphobia to me! Might as well say all Jews are evil people. You know what fuck you! Your just calling names. Now I'm a 'garbage person'. Ya, Bloody brilliant!!


I'm not really interested in childish playground arguments like "who started it" thousands of years ago.

What I'm interested in is who is murdering, raping, and blowing shit up in 2018. The statistics are in and there is a clear correlation that importing a violent, hateful religion that hates you is a bad idea.

Yes, I think people who subscribe to violent and hateful ideologies, based on made up nonsense and used to enforce the oppression of entire groups of people (women, gays, anyone who speaks out against Islam) are garbage people.

I'm sorry the truth hurts.

lol ,you can say what you think i am just feeling that you should search on it before spreading your views its true or not because you are not listening with your ears and not reading with your eyes its the a specific strong and biased lobby propaganda on media blinders are the followers and others are searching the truth