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RE: Severe Chest Pain Health Scare Today

in #life7 years ago

Take care my man! I remember as a teenager I had to rush my father to the hospital because of an acute chest pain which turned out be gastritis as well. Although I have never experienced this kind of thing before or after but seeing my father like that was a scary as hell experience.

Lately I too have seen this breakdown of my normal sleeping schedule and missed meals and sleeplessness...... I guess I'll take your advice as well and try to improve my health regimen as well......


Yeah man. It's crazy how work-life is these days. I enjoy what I do so much that I rather stay on my desk then head out. It wasn't always like this. I had very minimal screen time just over 1.5 years ago but then things have changed a lot since then. However, hoping to bring about some changes now before things get worse!