Study found that ocean acidification could lead to marine mass extinction 250 million years ago, the culprit

in #life8 years ago (edited)

 November 16, from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, was informed by the Chinese and the Italian team of researchers in a recent study, found dating back some 252 million years ago, ocean acidification affect the biological survival of the evidence. This finding, to explain why the late Permian history of the evolution of the Earth's most severe extinction event occurs once provided important new basis. The researchers concluded that, when ocean acidification caused by volcanic eruptions, or marine organisms suffer from a "disaster" reasons.By the end of the Permian period, 252 million years ago, the most serious extinction of the species occurred in the history of Earth evolution. In about 60,000 years ago, as many as 80% of marine life and about 75% of the terrestrial life suddenly disappeared, the entire marine and terrestrial life losses. Scientists tend to believe that large-scale volcanic eruptions may be leading to land, marine life extinction of the main reasons. However, there was no direct evidence of the existence of seawater during the mass extinction and its impact on the survival of marine life.In this study, researchers studied the calcareous fossils of more than 400 marine benthic brachiopods before the end of the Late Permian and the Great Extinction, and compared them with the living environment of modern brachiopods. It was found that the fibrous structure of the brachiopods in the brachiopods became smaller during the great extinction period, and survived through the extinction event. Most brachiopods had no change in the calcareous crustaceous structure, and eventually extirpated at the end of the Permian.
Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing paleontology researcher Shen Shuzhong introduction, marine benthic animal calcareous shell formation, with the seawater pH value is closely related. Therefore, the results of the present study provide new and important evidence to support the emergence of seawater acidification during the Late Permian Extinction and directly affect the survival of marine life at that time. According to the new discovery, scientists can infer from the volcano eruption to the mass extinction of marine species chain: the formation of large-scale volcanic eruptions acidic substances make the sea acidification. Seawater acidification affected the formation of calcareous shells in most benthic shell-forming organisms, and a small number of shell-bearing organisms were adaptable and difficult to survive. Most organisms could not adapt to environmental upheaval and eventually extinct.
The research results have been published online in the latest issue of top international journal of geology.