Looking like steemit is going to be my personal blog for now... Dating? WTH?

in #life7 years ago

Yeah, most definitely. I'll refer from this blog to my other (when I get it set up), but I'm liking this platform to post anything an everything. It turns out I just miss the outlet. If I see something messed up, I used to post it to Facebook but that just seems beat. And some people I complain about may see it, take it the wrong way and get all pissy. I ain't got time fo that! lol

Take my current "relationship"...

Background: After I split from the ex, I started dating not long after. It took a few months an I got a girlfriend. Well, thanks to her I was reminded that women can be crazy. LOL I know, I know, we all are. There's waaaaay more backstory to not just this girlfriend but my split as well, and I'll get to that at some point.

So I did the dating thing and had the initial conversation and first date down to a science. Turns out I burned out on it all last fall and went on a hiatus. Until this past July anyways when I met a fantastic girl. We both wanted to go slow, no titles, just a desire to spend time with each other as opposed to that feeling of obligation. Everything was peachy until recently when she had to go on a trip (part of an organization dealing with the recent disaster). One of our text conversations has her telling me she gave me a title due to some thirty people. I didn't go further, I just said Ha Ha and move on. That was a stupid move. Was it some guys hitting on her? Some women asking about me? I figure it was the guys, an telling them she had a boyfriend would, probably, shut them down faster than anything, but damn...I didn't need to be told! lol

So am I now in a titled relationship? How does this all work? I just wanted to hang out man, see where things went. I think I've now been drafted.

Either way it's still better than internet dating. I gave them a try and had mixed results. I made some awesome friends and met some horrible psychos. And yes, I did the face to face thing as well. I found grocery stores were the best places for meeting women as, even though it's a cliche, it never actually happens to most so I found great success with approaching the ladies there.

I should do a review of internet dating sites an give some dating tips. I think I may do that next blog, although I don't have any experience with Christian Mingle or Farmers Only. LMAO!

Any of you going through the titling phase of your "relationships"? Thoughts?