Vocal Learning Basics - Blog 1

in #life7 years ago

Singing should be easy! Even in high notes though. Is it hard for you guys? Hehehe same here XD Therefore, let's learn together!

Vocal Learning Basics - Blog 1

Hello fellow Stemians! Sorry, long time no posting :D . Yeah.. I’m not really fine before. Well, on this topic, I'll try to talk about vocals! By the way, you must already know how to talk right? :D (Hahaha I don’t know if it is a really question). Neither with the vocal term, the “vocal” word comes from the Latin language of vocalis which means to “speak or sound”, so I think... Vocal is not just about singing, because vocal science has more benefits than that. :D

We as a perfect being, especially with our bodies that have been endowed with the mouth to speak. Therefore, take care your mouth in a good way, in any shape! ^^


Some Benefits From Vocal Learning Basics

Anyway, I really like to learn about vocals, it’s one of my favorites hobby though... My own voice is still not good and need to be trained again heheh :v , if you asked the reasons why I like to learn vocal... Then, yeah… There’s a bunch of reason. One of the reasons is, by learning vocals, we can produce a good and melodious sounds, and when we have a good voice, we can use them for our daily life, who knows... People will be touched with our voice or even want to hear the words that we want to say.

Problem And Solution For Vocal Learning Basics

In studying vocals, there must be a place of practice, perseverance, experimentation, also a teacher that can guide us, and you know, it’s not cheap. One of my problems is the cost, heheh who knows there’s people that have the same problem like me :v or if you have any other problem, don’t be shy, you can share it with us in the comment section. And yeah, at least we still have a chance to learn from youtube, and some stuff like that.

But there is one point that needs to be understood and adhered too, when learning about vocals, especially when you use your voice to sing, always remember! Make sure, your singing… Should be easy and comfortable, in other words, you will not feel any pain when you sing or make a sound. If you feel uncomfortable, please stop... -_- especially when you shout on some crazy high note* (it will be more worst, when you already force the note with all of your energy, but still, your voice can’t reach it, and it just turn into some false note* hahah). That's danger! Therefore, change that habit, otherwise ... You will be in danger with a vocal injury. It better to prevent the danger than to cure it right? :D

Some Advices For Vocal Learning Basics

You know what? There are so many singers who bring the song with the right shouting, and they still feel comfortable even in a very high tone/note*. Well, they can, because of practice, of course with the right and proper techniques. :)

Besides, I think it's a good idea for you to learn more about vocal terms or even the shapes and how a note/tone* sounds like, because by recognizing it, you will know that your voice can be developed from either low to high, from high to low, from the usual to melodious in accordance with each uniqueness. And you know what? Every person can have a crazy low or a crazy high range of vocal! Of course you can do it! Exactly with some certain techniques. Therefore, I hope, we will master that techniques some day. :)

Before you learn the techniques, you must first know about the vocal registers, and what is the different between those register (chest, head, whistle, etc.) :D Well, for those who want more explanation, don’t forget to keep support my account, and see you in the next post!

Foot Note:
*Note/Tone is a regular and periodic sound, and has a certain single frequency.

Okay my friends, I think this is enough for my post today, please just take the benefits from this post! :D If you have any question or wants to ask something (even a suggest), do not hesitate, just comment in the comment field below! I'll try to reply to some of your comments as best I can. :D If you like this article, you are freely to vote, like, or even resteem to your friends if you want. Thanks for your attention, see you in another post!! Bye-bye!

Follow me at @gunganx! ^^