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RE: 'Stay Calm'... There's a Massive Volcano About to Erupt! Battling My Fear in a Very Alarming Situation! 😭😵😖

in #life7 years ago (edited)

By no means do I want to belittle the situation, however, I do want to give you some soothing words, I hope. On April 22 of 2015, while living in Patagonia Chile, Volcan Calbuco erupted about 20 km from our home. Of course, this was the first time anything like this had happened to me so it was just crazy emotion. But, at the end of it, no one got hurt. Yes, there was a lot of land that was temporaily devostated, however, life is totally back to normal. Some very dear friends actually bought some property that was affected, of course they got it a very good price. 2 years later it's worth nearly 10 times what they paid. Stay calm and have that camera ready.

Here's a pic from our volcano eruption experience -



Oh you're not at ALL! I really appreciate this comment more than you know! Basically after I saw it, I just kind of melted into comfort so thank you girl! <3

I can't see the volcano from my house through the forest but you're right, looking on the brightside - what an incredible photo op ;)

You do bring up a really interesting point about land as well since I am looking for some to do a permaculture project on, that would be perfect!

Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this story with me! I agree with you, half of me knows it's OK, I am out of harm's way etc but then the blaring media and my anxiety are just not having any of it!
