I stand at lifes shore
Trying to keep score
Thinking I'm sane
I'm just playing their game
Not exploring my dreams
I just hear my screams
Desperate to take a stand
Thinking they'll never understand
Is this even possible
My life's collapsable
What makes me tick
Do they give a shit
They say they do
Yet they look at me like I'm from the zoo
I just want to tell them
What they could not fathom
The life I've lived
Since I was a kid
Was riddled with a puzzle
Felt I'd been muzzled
By their expectations
Rather than by my annotations
Go ahead and grow
They begin to crow
It makes me question
Their intentions
What business of mine
Is it to undermine
Their goals
And ignore their roles
Their impact on my mindset
Becomes my asset
When I no longer linger
To point the finger
Accept my lot?
Then I'd be fraught
I should be a good sport
Surrender my heart into port
If I do what's expected
I think I'll be respected
I know I'll be disapproved
My heart then behooved
I must find a way
To live another day
When I live with integrity
I feel my inner clarity
To live my convictions
Without afflictions
Let me show you my way
Come lets play!
Hey Greg I didn’t know you were here good to see you Greg my motherfucking waver Hope you had a great Thanksgiving
Good to see you to