Yeah, that is indeed hard to fathom and yet.
While my natural tendency is to agree wholeheartedly, I am reminded of the exhortation to leave judgement to Him who has that prerogative and further, that by the measure we use, we will be judged.
So if she chose to do as she did, who am I to judge more harshly, or at all, for that matter.
For the natural man is an enemy to God... Mosiah 3:19
Well I think we can judge people that don't protect other children.
A good while ago there was an US university student and anti-apartheid activist stabbed and stoned to death by four black men while a mob shouted anti-white slurs in Cape Town South Africa. The parents of the girl publicly forgave the perpetrators.
The men were released by the new government some time later.
Now that is the kind of response I believe is expected of us. I believe I have forgiven everyone for every sin against me but I think I have a long way to go before I could do that.
I believe forgiveness is something you feel come to you, it's not something you can choose to do.