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RE: Why help people if they don't want to do the same in return?

in #life7 years ago

Hey@journeyoflife good post. I like this post because it actually gives me something to reply to as I both agree and disagree with some of what you have here. One of the first things you mention is how someone will invite you out for coffee only to try and pick your brain for some free info which ultimately you don't want to give out and how that unpaid time leaves you having to work later to catch up on what you missed while having that coffee. I see your point here and have to say, that is called networking and you shouldn't view it as a negative interaction just because you didn't make any money from it. A lot of times building a solid relationship is far more valuable than the money you'd make for an hour of your time. In addition, the fact that someone values your opinion enough to want to pick your brain or hear your thoughts has incredible value in itself and shouldn't be looked at as lost time or profit. Another thing you mentioned is that if someone doesn't care about you then they don't deserve your help. Pardon the expression but that's just bullshit. People don't have to care about you in order to gain your assistance. The bottom line here is that you don't help someone to get appreciation, accolades, or to get them to care about you. You help someone because you're a human being that can help and they're a human being that needs help. The mentality you rationalize this with is a growing problem throughout the world today. It's basically, if they don't care why should I? or if they can't help me why should I help them? Those two trains of thought contribute greatly to the decline of humanity plain and simple. You also mention something along the lines of not helping people unless they ask you for help. That too is ridiculous and here's why: Every human being carries with them a double edged sword called pride. For some, it is very beneficial as it propels them forward and motivates them to strive for their best life and value themselves greatly. For others, it contributes to their suffering by preventing them from asking for help when they're the ones who need it most. So waiting for someone to ask for help, in many cases, is no different than watching someone suffer and doing nothing about it. Another thing you mentioned is in regards to "offering insight for nothing" and how you disagree. On that, I completely agree with you. You took the time, energy, and probably money to develop a particular skill set and your damn right you should be well compensated for your time and insight. As a fellow entrepreneur let me offer you this advice. Find the balance between compensation and what you give away for free. Of course you should be paid for your skill but remember there are things that can often be more valuable than money. Primarily networking and making contacts as I mentioned before. You even touched on this when you mentioned speaking at a gathering and if they can't afford you they should offer something else of equal value (i.e. a free booth at the event, free tickets, etc.) I would also recommend in this situation things like a sit down with the ceo, customer contacts, products or services they offer, shares in their company, or things along those lines. One last thing I want to touch on from my life coaching point of view. You mention that, "once in a while you must be egotistical" and "disregard what society is asking you to do". In terms of the former statement, being egotistical is one of the worst things anyone can do. The ego is of no help whatsoever in any area of life for it contains too many trappings (pride, entitlement, greed, to name a few). Instead, be selfish, at least from time to time. Look at it like this. Whenever you're on a plane they tell you that in case of a drop in pressure oxygen masks will fall and to put yours on before helping anyone else, because if you can't breathe how can you help someone else to? Just find the way in everyday life and business to put your mask on first and then get to helping others. The latter part of the statement, disregard what society asks of you is absolutely ridiculous. From a social perspective it is a surefire way of ending up alone especially when you need to ask something of society which all of us at some point will inevitably have to do. From a business perspective, if you disregard what society asks of you your business is doomed to fail, plain and simple. The purpose of any business IS to answer societies questions and provide them that which they are asking for. It would do you, and everyone for that matter, well to remember that none of us are here for the financial experience, or the business experience, or even the personal experience. We exist for the human experience. I feel that you are coming from a very passionate place in terms of your business and personal life but you must never forget that words carry weight and your words here are coming off as negative and aggressive based on only your personal experiences. As someone who started their own business you are in an excellent position to give sound advice to younger upstarts and peers. Yet ego and emotion have clouded what could've been a very positive and enlightening post. All I'm saying is that when you post, never forget the weight your words carry because your readers won't. I do want you to know however, that I did thoroughly enjoy your post because it has sparked the potential for growth in both of us and I greatly look forward to your reply. I will be up voting this post and in addition, will be following you as I feel you have a great deal to offer everyone here including myself. Take care @journeyoflife and be well.