Happy Holidays Bitcoin!

in #life8 years ago

~ Christmas 2016 ~

Twas the night before Christmas, I was up on my bits
not a creature was selling and I gave two shits.
A shoulder formation was hung out with care,
In hopes that eight-sixty soon would be there.

My babies were nestled all snug in their beds,
while I set up the threshold to buy on some dips.
I sold some at peak with the market at cap,
and settled my ass for a long winters nap.

When out in the hall there arose such a clatter,
Mommy was pissed, I fell asleep after my shower.
Away to the pillow I fell with no sass,
threw over the blanket and out in a flash.

The moon on the breast of the new fallen-snow
gave luster of mid-day to Bitcoins below.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but the orders had filled, and a bounce to see clear.

With a little old buyer, so lively and neat,
I knew in a moment it's rinse and repeat.
More rapid than eagles resistance is made,
No worries, nor sorrow, we live for the trade.

He sprang to his Steemit, to his team gave a whistle,
and away they all flew like a bat outta thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, as he logged out of site,
Not so many Bitcoins for all, so to all a good flight. . .🌙

